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The chandeliers above me shine upon the slightly lit box

Music is playing in the background

Music that makes you want to sway

Then it makes you want to cry

Surrounded by shiny gowns

Beautiful things make me want to cry right now

I imagined myself with you at this moment

That is what I daydreamed before

But you are nowhere to be found

Everything I imagined is here

The dripping chandelier, the glasses of wine

I mean water that reflects the slightly dimmed room

The slow music, the sound of guitars strumming

The drums along with the beat of my heart

Everything is in the right place

And I mean everything, including you

I am here in my dream, I dreamed of this before

While you are there somewhere I don't know

I imagine this moment with you but you are not here now

I can continue without you, that is what I realize

I dance with my friends under the moonlit night

I will dance without you, I don't need you to hold my hand

Some things are not meant to be, just like you and me

Maybe you don't belong in this scene, not in this picture

A chapter without you is still the same with me

Although a part of me still holds on to the past,

Wondering what could have been if you were here

But you are not so let us not talk about it

There is no use anymore, it will only open the stitches you left in my heart

And you, my dear endless nights will feel nothing

Don't you think it is unfair? It will break me but you will stay still

Thus, it's the reason I refuse to be sad at this great moment

I'll raise a toast to my old stupid heart who once fell for you

I will be happy even without your presence

It is a good day and I am glad to be where I am now

Our chapter already ended pages ago

Time for me to move on, it is time to let go

I'll make new happy memories with the ones who truly love me

I'll spend my tears on you no more and my smile more on them

So let me start on this beautiful day

I am a very beautiful lady at this moment

Can't let sadness ruin that beauty of the night

In a Bejeweled Prom, I will shine like the stars my heart was made from.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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