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"Love Language"

I can only do so much to show my love to thee

There are only so many words to show I care

These are the ways that I walked

This is my language of love.

1. Verbal Words

Sweet words that will melt you in the presence of heat

Sweet words that will make your heart flutter

Sweet words that will make your throat swollen

Sweet words that will leave you speechless

Sweet words that will make the sun set in your eyes

Sweet words that will make the butterflies fly

Sweet words that will leave your wounds to never heal

Sweet words that will make your teeth rot

I will fill your ears with sweet words that you will never forget

My lips will overflow with compliments and care

My eyes will reveal the sugar lying on the horizon

I will tell you how much I adore you with overflowing sweetness

I will tell you that I love you in different ways that I can.

2. Presence

I will always be there at every tick of the clock

In every minute of an hour, every hour of a day

Every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday

Until weeks piled up and created a month

I'll be there from 1 to 12, from beginning to end

The month of beginning till the month of giving

I will be there in every rotation, night and day

I will be there in every revolution of the earth

I will stay and always will be one call away

My presence will surround you in your everyday life

I will always be available to help and listen

Always available to love and sacrifice

I will be here, you will know my presence

But if somehow you choose to send me away

I will do what you say and let you go

If that happens I will still express my love through...

3. Writing

I write poems for people that matter to me

Poems are my way of expressing my love and how I care

I have a lot to say to you but my considerate mind keeps my mouth shut

My heart is shouting in agony wanting to hurt you, wanting to blame you

But my mind put up chains and locks, building walls around it

Sealing my thoughts and keeping my tongue-tied

My only way of letting it all out in writing

And I write and write and write poems about you hoping I'll get tired of it

Soon I won't find any metaphor, soon I will run out of words

Hopefully, when that day comes, I will run out of love too.

4. Small gifts

Handwritten letters with purple heart designs

Filled with love and feelings that I left behind

Songs that I made with you in my mind

Drawings of us smiling at the cameras

Or just a drawing of you, a gem I stole in the past

The poetry book that I wish I could give you one day

These are the little gifts that I wish my heart could relay.

5. Sentimentality

I kept every picture I have of you in my album of memories

I kept every word you said close to my heart

I kept every compliment you gave stuck in my head

I kept it because it is you, it reminds me of you

Those are the only things I can consider as a part of you

I can't really have you anyway, although I wish I could

I keep what I can keep that is what I always say

Since I can't make you love me I'll just stay this way

I will keep everything you gave me and I mean everything

From physical things, and verbal words to memories

I will keep it in my album for safekeeping

I will keep it forever and I mean till I lose my breath.

6. Staying still

I will act like everything is fine

I will act strong like I'm firm and still

I will smile and laugh, I will look happy

In other words, I will lie to you

I will lie to myself to give you peace

I should punish you for breaking me

But instead, I will forgive you and say nothing.

7. Letting go

This is my last language of love I just learned not too long ago

I'm letting you go because I know your heart longs for someone else

I'm letting you go because waiting for you will just be another mistake

My former language of love of staying will fade away

I will turn my back on my own word, I will forget my own language

My language of love is letting go and I am walking away

And I will let you go no matter how much I wanted to stay

I will let go of this string that is only cutting my hands

I will let go of this baggage that is only putting me down

I will let go of the waterfall that is only making me cry

I will let go of this memory that is only making me sad

I will let go of you because I need to and it is the right thing to do

I will let go and break my heart, I will let go and I will let go.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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