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"Common Denominator"

The Headline:

We have so much in common that he made me a replacement for you.


We live in the same neighborhood, we have the same passion

We even have the same set of talents and skills

From drawing anime characters to singing with our given voice

We both dream big and work hard to achieve it

We both have humors that don't fit our faces

We found comfort in funny and dark memes

We speak sarcasm as our language

You and I are stars from the same galaxy

We both assumed something, and we both waited in line.

Contrast: Neon Lights

Our difference is that you waited for the bus to arrive

You waited for the flowers to bloom

You waited for a message, a confirmation

You waited for a reply from his castle

You waited for the courage to finally come to him

But the bus came too late, you missed all the stops

You wasted days and years waiting for the right time

The flowers bloom too late, the rain is already pouring

Forcing you to come back inside where you are safe

The great view awaits out there in the rain

The message came too late, you are already tired of waiting

You already created so many scenarios in your mind

You already overthink his true intentions

The reply came too late, you are no longer waiting for it

You don't need his courage, you don't need his assurance anymore

He is already too late.

Contrast: Drowning Fish

While I waited for the bus to arrive but it never came

I don't know if the bus station is already abandoned

Am I just in the wrong place?

Did I just misunderstand everything?

Did I just imagine all of this?

I waited for the flowers to bloom, but they never grew

They wilted right before me, I watched them die

I waited for his message, his answer but all I get is this

He told me how he loved you like I did not love him

Like he did not know I loved him

He was lucky my love is already in the past tense

It saved me a couple of cracks in my heart but I'm still damaged

You are Unfortunately my Amaranthine Night skyWhere stories live. Discover now