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"Confession (The Aftermath)"

As I promised, nothing has changed
We talked more than we had before since we tried to console each other
We are both feeling guilty about things we don't have any control
I feel guilty for loving you but love isn't a sin
You feel guilty about not feeling the same but it isn't your fault
We feel sorry for our mismatched feelings because we care
You cared for me as a friend and I cared for you more than that
And I thank you for apologizing although you don't have to
Nothing has changed, at least not in what your eyes can see
And what your heart can feel I mean, you can't feel my heart
You never did but I can't blame you for that
I tried so hard to get rid of these lingering feelings
I tried my best to erase this mistake but I failed
No matter where I look, no eraser can wipe the memories
Ice cream, love songs, writing, and singing don't do anything
The sweetness of the ice cream reminds me of your kindness
While it's cold nature brings me back to that December night
Hearing love songs makes me remember the past
Singing makes me happy but I only sing sad songs about you now
Writing is not a tool for healing rather it makes me bleed more
Nothing can help me anymore so I just live with the pain
Maybe hating you will make me forget about the rejection
The anger will dominate the part of me who cared about you
But how can I do that? How can I hate you?
No anger or heartbreak can destroy the love and respect I have for you
Love has its guarded castle and other emotions cannot conquer its kingdom
I think I am sick, this love is an illness
I would probably suffer from this disease for quite some time
This illness is making me weak, it feeds off my sadness
There are times when I just wanted to die
I wanted to end this suffering no matter what's the cost
I know I said we should forget what I said
Forget that you are my amaranthine night sky
Forget that my heart once beat for you
Forget those words when I said I like you
I know I said I would forget but honestly it's hard to ignore
They have been here for a while and I can't help but remember
You are always in my mind, you even bother my dreams
It's funny and cruel at the same time
That you were never there when I longed to find you
But I see you everywhere when I can't look for you anymore
This is the aftermath of the tragedy, the aftermath of the shattered heart
I didn't bother to pick up the broken pieces, I didn't bother to try
I didn't bother asking for an explanation, I didn't even cry
I am afraid that losing my emotions is the payment for my crime
It is ironic that I am lost but I know where I am
I am on a deserted island, it is cold and lonely
Either I give up, survive somehow, and live alone
Or I will hopelessly wait for you to save me
Since only you know where I am
You brought me here, remember?

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book.

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