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This book is dedicated to you, my Amaranthine Night sky. I wrote a whole book just for you so I can say what I didn't get to say in person. I hope you'll appreciate this gift of mine. This will also be my goodbye gift since we will probably not see each other after graduation day. I hope you'll be successful and you'll get to reach your dreams. I hope the best for you and even though you broke my heart I wish that yours will find happiness. 

If you and my friend, you know who I'm talking about, are meant for each other, just know that I am happy for you guys. If ever she is not the one for you, I wish you'll find the one soon. I kind of wish that the right person was me but I know you only like me as a friend and I won't force you to change. I am happy with being your friend although it breaks me that it is all that I can be. I am not really sure if you actually have someone in your heart. I am afraid to ask you. I am afraid to know. It doesn't matter anyways because it already came from you that I am just a friend. 

Please do not take this poetry book as an attack or form of hatred. I don't hate you. This is just my love language. This is how I express my love. It's not easy to write a poem, what more if it's a whole book of it. 

My dear, thank you for the happiness you brought to me. For a short time, I was genuinely happy. Talking to you was the one who made my day. After all, you are the first guy, I flirted with in chat and messages. It was fun talking to you even if you only look at me when we are around each other in person. I am grateful for the short time we had. This is now my goodbye.



You are Unfortunately my Amaranthine Night skyWhere stories live. Discover now