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They told me to be brave when the right time comes

This year I have been the bravest, I maxed out my courage

I've traveled so far from my safe space, now I'm lost

I was a fool to think it was the right time to be courageous

Now I'm afraid to be the fearless lion again

I trusted you but you broke me

I loved you but you killed me

The blood from my bleeding heart overshadows my smile

My fear increases over time and fear is the root of anger and evil

I don't want to hate you nor do I have the ability to do so

I can't have my revenge because it will only hurt me by hurting you

I kept quiet all this time, I stood still even if it hurts

I shared my stories with you but I kept the sorrows to myself

I know that no matter how hard I work it will never be enough

I will not expect you to change your mind abruptly

Hearts are never quick fixes, they never quick change

You are not a machine that if given a different program

It will change its actions, behavior, and purpose

So I won't expect you to feel the same way if you don't

But please don't expect anything from me too

Courage isn't enough to get what I want

But being brave taught me what I really deserve

Nothing is wrong with crying and being emotional

I'm just letting myself go, I'm allowing myself to be free.

I've drowned myself in wells of tears and waves of insecurities

They say that if it is for you it will find you

Did I hide too deep?

Did I travel too far from my seeker?

Why has no one found me yet?

I only needed a little bit of love to be happy

I only needed you to see me as I am to be contented

I only needed proof to know there was hope somewhere

But a little love is too much for fate to give

A little love is too much for you to share

You see me as someone else

You never look me in the eye

I wonder if you actually know my name

Do you know who I am?

Life made me feel like there was something wrong with me

That I am meant to be lonely

I guess I only needed to give up and accept my fate

The sky above me is grey

Thunder can be heard along with the pain.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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