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I moved to a different town weeks ago
The town was known as Agony
And I'm on the street of Grey
Well you can say I live in sadness
Where everything is surrounded by darkness
You said we share the same sorrow
You said you still want to be friends
You can change my color from plain white to pink
Pink, a sign of a growing attraction
Then it gradually turns to red
Red flames of love burning inside of me
Quickly it changed to orange, a color of confusion
A mixture of yellow happiness and red mark of an error
Fast as a lightning my world turns blue
Not blue as the sky nor blue as the sea
But blue like the sky when it is about to rain
Blue is the feeling inside of me
Slowly my future goes black, my vision red
Like my hands covered with blood from my bleeding heart
Different colors combines within me
Grey is all that is left behind
Grey, that is what I used to call you
Sign of your underwhelming personality
Sign of security, the color of stability
You are the boulder that smashed my heart
The agony caused the anger
The anger pulls me into the abyss
I can only see the agony in my life
Isn't agony considered the abyss?
So there is nowhere else for me to go
Everywhere I look its just darkness and pain
I guess this is the end
They say everyone's death has its own color
Well, this death of mine is in the color Grey.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book.

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