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"Parade Of Wounds"

Is it sane to write seventy poems about a person?

A person who didn't even love you, not even once

Is one-sided love enough to fuel a whole book?

Are one-sided delusions enough to paint a poem?

I'm not afraid to say I have my fair share of a broken heart

This is not the first time I wrote a poetry book about someone

It hurts and I wish I didn't break myself but it is true

Why should I be afraid? The only thing I did was love

I have always walked the path others decided for me

I forgot to dream for myself, I forgot my own happiness

And every time I decided to want something for myself

I always fail to get it, I always lost the fight

Not all beautiful flowers will live a long life

Some won't bloom no matter how pretty they are on the inside

I told you I am not as strong as you think I am

I told you I felt empty but no one ever believed me

I am alive but I am dead inside, my soul is lonely

I wished they tried to understand, I wish they did

But nothing can bring back what is already lost

The only thing I can do is make use of what I have

Build castles out of broken glass, build weapons out of paper hearts

I blame myself for what happened to me

If I have shut my mouth, if I stayed away,

If I just ignored what I felt and if I didn't love you

Then there won't be enough poems to fill a collection

My decisions caused my death

This is my poetry book, my parade of wounds

Each poem represents a wound in my heart

A broken piece of my shattered heart for every broken rhyme

My poems are fossils that will be buried in time

But in the future, someone will find it and will see it as something important

A sign of the past, a sign of the broken heart

I will carry this pain and regret until my life ended

And I hope you keep that piece of my heart too

My goal is to break those who read it with the words I've bled

I hope my poems touch your heart, I hope they take you to places

Walk where I walked, see what I've seen, feel what I've felt

Think of this as an adventure to my kingdom, to my history

A book of love and agony, heaven, purgatory, laughing in vain

This is my parade, take a look at my collection of pain

Maybe you'll also wonder how love makes people insane.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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