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"Before You Date Me"

This is a letter for the man that is meant for me,

I really hope God sent a soul for me to be with

If ever you are reading this, this is the wish of my heart

I have a museum of scars in my heart and an album of trauma in my mind

I'm so close to giving up on love and I am struggling to trust myself

I hope you will be the one to help me get over the bad things in my life

I hope you find comfort in my words while I find love in yours

Walk with me, it doesn't matter where it is as long as you are there

I want to feel your presence beside me as the wind whistles our song

Hold my hand as we walk, make me feel the bond that will never break

I hope you will love the scent of my hair, may it reminds you of a flower

I hope my eyes will mesmerize you, may it be a reflection of an eternal paradise

I hope my lips will belong to you and I will be the only master of yours

May we find comfort in each other's lips and long for nobody else

I hope you fill my ears with sweet words and I fill yours with assurance

Do not ever leave me, even if it is a garden or a deserted island

Life in paradise, in a beautiful garden will be empty without you

It will seem foolish but I would rather drown and die with you

You are my world, do not revolve without me

I want you to have something that you'll need to protect

This is my heart, the last guardian broke it so bad

It took me forever to put it back together again

It's not the most beautiful thing you will ever see

However it is all I have, I am giving it to you to show my love

I am willing to give everything including my heart

I might not be perfect but please don't abandon your hope in me

These are things you need to know before you date me

I am a broken stone left in the cold water for years

Burned under the light of the sun, drowned in deep sorrow

I am not the prettiest nor am I rich, I am not a genius

I am just a poet who will bleed and write until I run out of words

If you are willing to love a broken thing like me I could give you the world

All I ever want is love, all I want is for somebody to care for me

I hope this time you are the right answer, I hope you are the right choice

Could it be you are finally the one who'll be the subject of the happy poems?

Are you the one who will end the curse of my foolish heart?

Are you the one who will break the rhymes only made through pain?

Could you be the one to take me away from this heartbreaking memory lane?

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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