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"Honest Answer"

If you want me to be honest, then here is your chance

Ask me anything and I'll answer with my genuine heart

If you ask me what I liked about you, I would ask for your time

I have a long list for me to explain and describe

But on top of it all, I love your kind heart the most

I loved your gentleness despite your giant stature

I think the irony is too cute for my heart to contain

So the redness comes up to my cheeks when I'm near you

Your kindness will make you afraid of hurting anyone

From an ant to a fly, a dog to a bird, a human to a heart

I loved that you are strong just like a tree and calm as the sea

You remind me of my father, only he was a very angry tree

You dance with the wind, you are as chill as the cold winter night

I admire your ability to relax in every given situation

Did I mention I love your smile? Oh, that temptress!

It was a witch hiding with the town's folk

When I saw its true form I was bewitched

You have a beautiful smile, I wish I could keep it for myself

I wish my name would be drawn on those lips

Signature of the person who is the reason for it

And your eyes, oh that bright moonlight!

Your smile is like a hill from the horizon

I can see the sunrise in it while my heart sets

You are beautiful my dear and I mean it

If you ask me if I hate you, my answer is no

I don't despise you and I hate that I can't

I hate that I still look for you every single time

I hate that I dream of you more now after the tragedy

I hate that I can't dispose of the deed you signed in my heart

I was just hurt and I am still hurting

But I don't hate you, I'm just sad, sad for the love I didn't get

Now it's your turn to answer me, it's your turn, to be honest

I ask you about your true feelings for me

Tell me everything, I want it all, the good and the bad

Leave no words stuck in the corners of your mind

Do not wrap them in sweet lies, I want it raw and genuine

Don't worry, I promise I can take it all in

It's not every time I will ask someone to clear up things

I could just leave and say goodbye but I won't

You are too precious that I could just give up

I won't give up without a proper explanation

So I will wait for your answer, I'll wait no matter what

Never doubt my loyalty, never doubt my love

Cause if you think I can't wait, you will be damned

You also doubt me when I said I could write a whole book for you

Well, here I am writing 70 poems, something only my poor heart can do.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

PS: I don't have any photos to post so I'll just post random drawings of people HAHAHAHA. I drew this or fun so might as well use them in my book. 

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