57/ The End

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The house felt lonelier when there was only one child at home. Betty and Jughead were already settled into their respective universities. Betty was lucky enough to find a decent apartment to live in with her best friend. Considering her best friend, Veronica, decided to go to Barnard, the two girls would be going to schools very close to each other in New York. Jughead was only about an hour drive away, so it felt comforting to know they were close to one another if they needed a familiar face.

The move during the summer would have been an eight hour road trip to New York from Riverdale then the extended hour to New Haven, but Charles had been able to borrow a private plane for the family. It cut the travel time by six hours.

It was hard for the parents to let them go, but they were also very happy for them. The departure was full of multiple hugs and kisses for the eighteen year olds. It was like they weren't ready to let go.

Now at home, Jellybean was the full attention, alongside Polly and Charles who visited often.

Fred Andrews knocked on his neighbors' door. Alice came down the stairs to answer. She greeted the man when she pulled the door open for him.


"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm doing good." She noticed the box he had tucked to his side. "What's that you got there?"

"It's actually why I'm here. I was cleaning up FP's desk in the office and well here it all is. I really miss working with my best man. It was just like old times." FP reprised his position as a foreman at Andrews Construction for some time after he got his act together.

Alice flipped the flaps open to peek inside. The first thing she sees is the picture frame on top. It was the picture that stood on his desk for the past two years.

"He never was one to take his eyes off of you."

If Charles was there right now he would make another comment about the photograph.

Alice smiled down at it. "I know. That's why I married him." She carefully placed it back in the box before taking it from him. "I know exactly where he would want these things." FP had some space in the den dedicated to mementos, any valuable item that belonged to his family.

Alice changed the subject onto Fred. She placed the picture back inside and took the box from him. "So how's Archie doing? I heard he got quite the scholarships."

"He's doing well and yes he did. Can you believe he earned a football scholarship and a music one? I couldn't be any prouder. Mary's just as ecstatic. Of course, it might be because he's studying in Chicago. Regardless, we're both very proud of our son."

"Glad to hear that. I'm the same with our kids. FP...FP would say the same thing." Alice looked up briefly.

Fred sadly smiles. "I know."

"Thanks for stopping by and dropping this off."

"It's my pleasure," He showed himself back out. He turns to say one last thing before he goes. "You know where to reach me if you ever need anything."

"I know," Alice nodded. "And we greatly appreciate it."

He goes and Alice shut the door. She made her way up with the box. She walked it over to the bed and sat down.

She simply stared at it. It made her want to take a look at what else was inside even though she knew how difficult it would be. They knew the day would come but they all weren't ready to say goodbye.

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