47/ Rally Up the Troops

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FP woke up feeling well rested for once. He flickered his eyes open and sat up. He looked around. His eyes narrowed when he saw the closet and some drawers left wide open. They were emptied; clothes were missing.

He sprang out of bed and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the kids eating breakfast at the table. "You're here."

"Yeah," Jughead got up. "We're not going anywhere." He pulled out a chair for him and sat him down. His hand was placed over the man's heart. "We're right here." He got him to relax.

Meanwhile his other son was across town eating breakfast with his sisters as they conspired on how to proceed. He arrived at the Cooper house after Hal left for work. He was doing everything he can to avoid running into him.

He brought them to his team last night. Polly spoke to them about what she knew. She gave a statement for their records.

"You heard them, they don't want to barge in." Polly reminded Charles about what his team thought. "I already told them how to get around in the parts I'm familiar with."

"I'm not going to give up on bringing mom home. I just need help. I can't go in alone."

"Ok, so what about your dad?" Betty questioned. "He's a Serpent. You think he'd lend you some people to help?" Betty proposed a possible idea. "On the other hand though, it would be very complicated. The last time she saw them it wasn't pretty. Would they even be up for it?"

"My father could definitely get them to. They praise him. I just don't know if I can involve him. He's recovering from a heart attack. Telling him that I need his gang to find my mother isn't going to help keep him at ease. Hell, I haven't even given him his phone back because I know he will try to call her and he won't be getting an answer."

"So about your dad," Polly cleared her throat. "Is mom having an affair with him?"

"I don't know how to answer that. All I know is that there are unresolved feelings on both ends."

"Woah, who knew mom had such a cool life."

"It might be your only choice," Betty pointed out. "You need numbers and that could convince the rest of your guys to pitch in."

Charles let out a loud sigh.


Hog Eye ignored the teenage boys' pleads at the counter as he dried the clean glasses Toni was passing him. "No, Sweet Pea, you know what FP told you boys. You kids can hang out, but I'm not serving you anything."

"One little sip won't hurt nobody."

"Anybody, won't hurt anybody." Toni corrected him. He mimicked her but she got a kick out of it regardless.

"He seems to be doing a lot better," Fangs commented.

"Let's see for how long. I saw the missus driving off in the middle of the night." Joaquin spoke.

"What were you doing out in the middle of the night?" Toni arched her eyebrow.

"Probably went to Fox Forest again," Fangs teased.

"Shut up," Joaquin elbowed him.

"She left again?" Hog Eye asked.

"That's what I saw." He shrugged. "I didn't see Jellybean with her though so I think he'll manage just fine. But about that FBI son? He still around?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Toni chuckled.

"He's around," Hog Eye nodded. "I had a good talk with the fella. He's sticking around for a while. FP couldn't be any happier."

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