8/ Taunting Voice

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Alice felt beyond humiliated, but she didn't know what exactly to expect when she walked into that bar. She didn't expect it to be perfect.

She spent an hour sitting in her car outside just thinking. She had even seen the beanie wearing boy knocking on her neighbor's door. Fred Andrews answered and stepped aside, welcoming him in. She could see Archie helping Jughead with his bag. The door shut behind them. She looked away and towards her own house. It was time to go in.

She unlocked the door and made her way to the stairs. Hal was in the living room. "So how did it go?" He sassily asked, not looking away from the tv. Alice didn't look at him. She walked up the stairs to the bedroom. "Perfect I see."

Alice bumped into Betty in the hall. "Hi, mom. How was the interview?" Alice didn't say anything. She wasn't ignoring her. She just physically couldn't get a word out. Betty followed her into her room. "Mom, you okay?"

"I don't know what I was thinking." She shook her head. "Your father got on my nerves and I just needed to prove him wrong."

"It didn't go well, did it?"

"I ran into some old friends," Alice sarcastically said.

Betty wrapped her arms around her. "It's okay, mom. The world isn't perfect. Tonight is just one night. I'm sure things will get better."

"Thank you, honey. This does help."

"It's what I'm here for," Betty smiled. "You don't need any of those Serpents to prove a point."

"I kinda do," Alice chuckled.

"Yeah well let's say I'm right for right now. You don't need the Serpents. You were once one yourself. You're your own source."

"I guess you're right." Alice loved her positivity. She needed it right now. "You're so wise, you know that? That's why I love you."

"I love you too, mom."


FP paced around the house after Jughead walked out on him. Weight was lifted off of his shoulders when he got a call from Fred. The call was short, considering they weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment, but nevertheless Fred had the decency to tell FP his son was safe. FP knew he was in good hands at the very least, so he would be able to sleep that night without tossing and turning, wondering if he was okay.

He didn't like having the trailer to himself though. He didn't like the feeling he got knowing that he was really all alone this time.

He felt the shivers nipping at his skin. Cold sweat ran down his forehead. He had been in the rain for a long time earlier, so if he had to guess he would think he was coming down with a cold.

He entered the kitchen in search of some water to quench his thirst. He glanced over at the table to see his father sitting there. He rubbed his eyes and double checked. The man was gone, but he could hear his voice -- "Do it like a man, junior."

FP turned the faucet on and cupped water into his hands, splashing it onto his face. "Do it like a man, FP." He heard him again. He turned to see him approaching him with a beer in hand. "You know you want to."

FP shook his head. He was bewildered. "What are you doing here? You can't be here." He ran a hand through his hair.

"You know why I'm here." Forsythe placed the bottle on the counter.

"No...no, you can't be." FP pressed a hand against the cupboards to keep himself upright. "You're dead."

"Just have the drink," He insisted. "It always makes it go away."

FP shut his eyes in hopes of drowning him out. It seemed to work out just fine, but that was until he heard something else taunting him.

"You're going to end up just like your dad, downing six packs in your double wide."

He ignored it the best he could. When he reopened his eyes Forsythe and the bottle disappeared. FP let out a heavy sigh. He walked to the bedroom, keeping a hand against the wall until he reached his bed. He flopped down and stared up at the ceiling. He rested an arm over his eyes.

"I'm just tired," He repeated to himself, reassuringly.

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