30/ Family Matters

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Alice sat in the therapy room quietly. She saw the Newton's cradle Charles told her about. She was prepared to prevent his manipulation. She remembered what her son told her. She had to get close to him, gain his trust, and make him believe she was under his mind control.

She heard heavy steps coming towards her. Edgar walked in and shut the door. "Sister Alice, correct? I heard so much about you."

"That's me."

"You don't deserve that toxic husband. I hope you know that." Edgar flicked one of the balls per usual.

"Oh I know," Alice affirmed.

Edgar laughed. "That's good to hear. I know he caused you immense pain."

"Tell me more about him. What was he like to you?"


FP sat on the couch with Jellybean as they watched cartoons together. Jughead was sitting at the table working on a writing assignment. Gladys was out catching up with old friends of hers.

FP got up and Jellybean looked at him confused. "I'm just getting water. Do you want some?" Jellybean nodded and focused on the tv again. FP walked over to the kitchen and grabbed glasses out of the cupboard. "Whatcha working on, boy?"

"A paper for the Register."

"That's good. I'm glad you're enjoying working there. I suppose you're learning too."

"Yeah, a lot."

FP opened one of the kitchen drawers to look for his medication. Jellybean heard it open and she nervously watched him rummage through it. She remembered what she accidentally did. He couldn't find it.

"Dad, you okay?" Jughead arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah. I think I just need some fresh air. Can you take care of your sister for me? I'm going for a walk." FP was panicking inside. He didn't want to worry him though so he didn't tell him what was wrong. He put on his shoes, grabbed a jacket, and went outside.

After he was gone Jellybean sheepishly went up to her brother. "Do you think he'll be mad at me?"

"For what?" Jughead looked at her confused. Jellybean grabbed her jacket and took a handful of pills out of the pockets. "Why do you have that?"

"Well, when mom went to the store I was looking for a spoon in the drawers and-"

"Wait, you were here alone?"

"Yeah and I found a small bottle with these inside. I just opened it to see them, but I got scared and dropped them. I didn't know what to do because I couldn't find the bottle they were in so I put them in my pocket and forgot."

Jughead grabbed all the pills from her. "It's okay. He won't be mad. It was an accident. Let's just look for the capsule," He assured her. "I know something else he would be mad about." He mumbled to himself. They both got on their knees to look for the capsule. Jughead found it under the table and poured all the pills inside. "There. We'll just give it to him when he comes back."

"You promise he won't be mad?" Jellybean looked at him with hopeful eyes. Jughead stuck his pinky out.

He curled it around hers, "I promise."

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