22/ Phone Call

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Alice spent a few days observing her new surroundings. She hasn't seen anything too odd other than noticing how fazed some of the people were.

After saying good night to her daughters, simply through words or via text, she returned to her room to call her son. He was anticipating a call from her. He made sure to stick by his phone for any time of the day.

Alice locked her door and shut the window. She was taking precautions just in case. "Hello? Charles?"

"Alice," Charles answered right away. "I haven't heard from you in some time. How are things going? Any blood churning information for me?"

"There are meetings we have to attend as new members and let me tell you, it gets pretty boring listening to everyone talk."

"Anything about Edgar Evernever?"

"There is one woman who spoke about him. She didn't disclose much other than him being practically a god around here."

"I wasn't kidding when I said he was manipulative." Charles stated. "We've got to get you to the point where you get to meet him within the next month. We have to hit personal spots if that means you gain his trust."

"Like what? You want me to be vulnerable?"

"It may be a lot to ask but in order to play his game you're going to have to really commit. He has to truly believe you're like them. Easy targets."

"I don't know if I can reopen old wounds." There were many things she has tried to forget. It wasn't in her nature to voice her pain.

"It can start with something small. Once you're ready I do think you have to reveal a couple of things. It's the only way to grab his attention."

Alice sighed. "I understand," She agreed. "If it means it helps with the investigation, then I suppose I can do that."

"Thank you," Charles didn't want to rush her but he did need to get progress. "Keep me updated. I'll be waiting for another call."

"Goodbye, Charles. I'll call again soon."

"Goodbye, Alice." He couldn't quite roll out mom just yet.

It put a small smile on her face talking to him though. She tossed her phone down on the bed beside her. She stared blankly at it before picking it up again.

She scrolled through her contacts for another recent addition. She shakily clicked on his name. She felt nervous to call but a part of her knew she wanted to talk to him.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered. Alice could hear a gulp from the other end. FP was taking his medication when she called.

"FP," Alice simply said.

FP's face lit up as he recognized her voice. "I was starting to think my number went to waste," FP joked. "It's been a few days since..." He stopped. He wasn't sure what to call it or how to phrase it.

"Yeah," Alice spoke up.

"Not gonna lie," FP put his cup of water down. "That kiss has been stuck in my head. I've been wanting to talk to you about that." He nervously confessed.

"I think we should," She agreed.

"Did it mean anything to you? In all honesty."

"Did it for you?"

"I would like to think it did," FP was quiet for a second. "It felt...it felt like old times."

Alice smiled to that. "You think so?"

"It's killing me, Al. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Alice adored the use of the old nickname. She hasn't heard it in so long. "So you're thinking about me?" She teased.

"Maybe," He believed there was a smirk growing on her face. "Don't get cocky about it though."

"I'll try not to," She giggled.

FP took a seat. "So how are you doing? It must feel different being away."

"Great. I finally have space to breathe. I don't have to live up to Hal's stupid northside expectations of me." When she answered his questions she didn't expect herself to be so open about it but there was something different about talking to him. It came out naturally.

"Do you ever miss being yourself? Your old self?" FP genuinely wondered. He knew she was with out a doubt happier back then. Alice didn't answer the question. "Are you happy now?" He changed his question. "You know, getting time to yourself? It should be healthy for you. Not stressing over that mama's boy." He got a little laugh out of her. "See you know it's true."

"Oh, shut up." She fondly said.

"I bet he still rehearses his conversations."

"You know about that?"

"He did it in the locker room all the time." He laughed. "So is that a yes I hear?" He took her silence as a yes. "He does, doesn't he?" He laughs again. Hearing his laugh made her heart flutter. She missed making him laugh.

"Let's just not talk about him."

"I can do that. He's not worth mentioning."

"So how are you doing? You know with the..."

"I just took my pill." FP knew what she was referring to. "It's the same old routine."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Uh, maybe we can save it for another time." She could hear the hesitance in his voice. "I don't want to ruin this call with that."

"I understand," She did. It was a very touchy topic. "Talk to me about something else. Anything, I'm all ears. What have you been up to?"

"Well, I'm reading more of whatever Jughead writes and shows me. He's enjoying the assignments you left for him."

"I thought he would," Alice was glad to know he was so invested in writing. "It's just to get him into the groove of things."

The pair spoke for an hour before saying their goodbyes. It was getting late and FP heard how tired she was when she spoke.

"Good night, Alice." He hung up shortly after. He put his phone down and walked to the closet in the living room. He opened it and reached for a box on the top shelf. It brought a smile to his face to look inside after he lifted the lid. It was a collection of story books Jughead wrote for his little sister when he was younger. He would read them to her at bedtime.

FP took one out and flipped through the pages. He sat there reminiscing about the past. Now he truly yearned to have his kids back home.

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