13/ Unhappy Marriage

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Betty entered the house and looked around for her mother. "Mom?" Her eyes went to the kitchen.

Alice was staring out the window with a glass of wine in her hand. "Did your father tell you?"

"Yeah," Betty said. "I didn't know you were going to end it so soon."

"I didn't ask for the divorce. Your father did."

"Oh," Betty let out. She could hear her sniffle quietly. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Alice forcibly smiled. "It's good news."

"Mom, it's okay to not be okay."

Alice swerved her head to look back at her. Betty could see her dry tears. "Although I wasn't happy with him, it did hurt to practically be told I wasn't wanted anymore."

Betty took the glass out of her hand and hugged her. "It's going to be okay," She comforted her. "We can get you through this."

"I think I need some time away from your father."

"What do you mean?"

"I spoke to your sister. It wasn't the best timing when she called, but I love getting any chance to speak to her." Alice explained. It was true. "I must have sounded really upset because she had asked me what was wrong. I had to be honest with her, so I told her the news. She spent a few minutes telling me about how the Farm could heal me from this pain. Long story short she invited me to join her and I think I'm going to go."

"You're leaving?"

"It would only be for a little while. I really need a break from your father. It's not healthy for me to be around him. You understand, don't you?"

"I understand. It's just, I didn't think you would be gone."

"I won't go if you don't want me to," Alice caressed her cheek. She knew she had to go, but there was still a part of her that didn't want to leave Betty's side so easily.

"No, it's okay. Maybe a little break will help you relax. I'll be okay here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay," She nodded. "Polly will be coming to visit soon. I told her I would think about her offer, so when she arrives I'll accept it. Which means I will be leaving with her."

"Polly's coming?" Betty was unaware of that.

"She wants to see you," She nodded again.

"She does?"

"Yeah, she will be here some time next week."

"That's great." It's been a long time since she last saw her. "I'll miss you both though."

"We'll miss you too," Alice smiled. "I'm sure I'll only be as much as a call away. If you ever need me, I will be here."

"I know," Betty knew that her mother wasn't abandoning her with her father. She just needed to step away for a while. "No worries."

Hal knocked on the door as he came, grabbing their attention. "We all need to talk." He walked to the dining table and took a seat. The two women joined him only because there were some things they did needed to talk about. The silence was torture. No one knew where to begin.

"Betty, how do you feel about this?" Hal eventually asked.

"This is between the two of you." She didn't want to get in the middle of it.

"Darling, you're part of this too. It's a family matter."

"Well you broke her heart, Harold." Alice snidely spat out. "What do you want her to say?"

"Alice," He frowned.

"How long have you both been unhappy?" Betty asked. It was an important question for them to answer. "Well?"

"Too long," Alice said in a heartbeat.

"What your mother means is that we don't have that connection anymore. It's best we let each other go."

"Okay," Betty nodded. "I assume this means things are going to change around here."

"Things will be changing, but I can't really say what just yet."

"There's one change coming. Polly will be visiting next week." Alice announced.

"Polly is coming?"

"Yes and I will be going with her."

"You're what?" Hal was taken aback. "We didn't talk about this."

"Well when you asked for a divorce it sounded like what I do is irrelevant to you." Alice pettily shrugged it off.

"So I ask for a divorce and you're leaving?"

"Polly is doing great at The Farm. We think it would do me well too. Why? Can't I make decisions for myself?"

"You're going to listen to her? Like mother like daughter," Hal scoffed.

"And what is that supposed to me?" Alice narrowed her eyes.

"Can we be civil about this?" Betty jumped in before either of them said something they would regret.

"You're right, Betty. Hal, can you respect my decision like I respect yours?" Hal sulked in his seat. Alice turned to Betty. "Elizabeth, I know this isn't something you signed up for-"

"It's okay, mom. I really do understand."

"That's final then," Alice glanced over at Hal. "I will be calling our dear old friend Sierra. Have fun with your lawyers."

"The mayor?" Betty arched an eyebrow.

"Ah," Alice put a finger up in the air. "Attorney McCoy."

"Alright then. I'll file for divorce." Hal wasn't fazed.

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