44/ Going Home

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Charles passed three familiar faces on his way out of the building. He kindly waved at them. "Hey, glad you're here. He's expecting your company."

"You're leaving?" Jughead asked as he greeted him with a hug.

Charles looked down at his watch. "Yeah, I have to meet with my team urgently."

"Something bad happen?" Jughead questioned.

"No, but I have to check on how our latest case is doing."

"Good luck."

"Thanks," Charles said. "I'll catch you around."

"I still don't trust him," Gladys scoffed after the man was out of sight.

"He's family, mom, there's no changing that."

"He's family?" Jellybean looked at him confused.

"Yeah, he's our brother."

"Brother? I thought he was just working with daddy."

"Your dad doesn't know how to-"

"Mom!" Jughead cut her off. He put his hands on Jellybean's shoulders and led her away.

FP heard a knock on the door and turned his head to see two of his pride and joys.

"Daddy!" Jellybean ran over to him.

"Jellybelly," FP hugged her tightly but carefully. He wanted to hold her close but needed to be careful with his healing stitches. "I'm glad you're here, sweetheart."

"Me too. I was here before but we couldn't talk," Jellybean frowned. "I liked your story. Juggie read it to me."

"I didn't know you could write like that, dad." Jughead approached them next.

FP motioned for him to come closer. He gave his boy a big hug too. "Surprised myself too."

"Daddy, I have two brothers."

"Yeah," FP confirmed. "You do." Gladys crossed her arms. It didn't go unnoticed by FP. He felt her eyes burning through him. "Jellybelly, baby, can you go to the cafeteria with Jughead and see if they have anything good?"

Jughead got the hint to what was coming. He didn't think it was a good idea to leave them alone. "I think mom can go with her."

"Jughead, your father is asking you to take your sister," Gladys wanted to get him alone. "JB, I think you can find a nice bowl of pudding to bring up."

"Okay," Jellybean tugged on Jughead's hand. "C'mon, Juggie. Daddy's hungry."

The boy sighed but followed her out. The door shut behind them.

"Care to explain?" Gladys spat at FP.

"I have a son, what's it to ya?" He shrugged it off.

"You think I like hearing from Penny, of all people, that everyone knows about a secret son of yours? And that's not all! It seems to be that the Serpent slut is still-"

"Don't call her that!" FP furiously cut her off.

"She's the mother, isn't she?" She asked already knowing the obvious answer.

"What do you want? It doesn't change anything between us, Gladys. He's my son and the divorce had nothing to do with him. You know that."

"Have you been seeing her while I was gone?"

"Seriously?" He scoffed. "Don't put this on me. You left."

"Answer the question, FP." She took his silence for the worst. She smacked his shoulder. "Asshole." He groaned and brought a hand up to rub the sore spot. "We're still married, you unfaithful bastard. You slept with your high school hook up."

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