37/ Brothers

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Fred walked into the hospital as soon as he got the call from a nurse. He was still FP's emergency contact from when they worked construction together. He walked up to the receptionist for details.

"Hello, I'm here for FP Jones. Do you know where he is?"

"Your name, sir?"

"Fred, Frederick Andrews. I'm his emergency contact. I just received a call."

"I see you in the system. Here's an identification bracelet. He will be placed in room 246 after his surgery."

"Thank you," Fred went over to the waiting room to grab a seat then saw his son, Jughead, Betty, and a young man. "Archie?"

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I got a call and came as soon as possible."

"I brought Jug when we found out."

"Have they said anything about him?" Fred asked. He wasn't given many details over the phone.

"He will be going through a minor surgery first. Then he will be under surveillance to make sure his body responds correctly." Charles stood up. He held a hand out for him to shake. "Hi, you must be the buddy of his he's told me about. All good things of course."

"I suppose..." Fred shook his hand. "And you are?"

"He's the social worker my dad was working with. He brought him in," Jughead answered for him.

"It's going to be a long time before anyone is allowed to see him," Charles stated.

"That's right," Fred agreed. He turned to the teenagers. "How about I take you kids home to rest in the meantime?"

"If you don't mind, I can take Jughead home later. I have to talk to him, if I may?" Charles insisted on having time alone with his brother.

"What do you say, Jug?"

"Okay," Jughead shrugged. "I should be giving my mom a call anyway."

Fred gave him a sympathetic nod before gesturing for Archie and Betty to follow him to the car. The three left for now.

Charles turned to Jughead once they were alone. "Jughead, I wanted to tell you something before you found out in another not so best way."

"If it's any more bad news I'm not sure I can take it."

"Well I can only hope you don't consider it bad news."

"Okay...lay it on me then." Jughead gave him a look. It wasn't a bad one. It was more of an intrigued, anxious one.

"I'm your dad's son." Charles watched as his face twisted into confusion. "I'm your older brother."


"I know it's not the best time to have this little family reunion but I know I had to tell you somehow, especially with our dad in surgery right now."

"How do I even have a brother? My parents never mentioned anything about a brother."

"That's because I'm your half brother. We just have the same dad." Charles slowly explained. "And to be fair, he didn't know until today."

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