25/ Recrossing Paths

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Charles stepped into the diner and scanned the room. He found FP sitting alone on one of the stools.

FP was trying to get his call to go through but was having no luck again. FP sighed and put the phone down. Charles caught a quick glance at his screen as he took the seat next to him. It was Alice's name.

"What can I get you?" Pop asked the younger man. FP turned to look at him. He was baffled to see Charles.

"Oh, hey." Charles said to FP. "How's the arm?" He innocently asked. "Can I just get-" Charles peeked at the menu beside him. "-a chocolate milkshake?" Pop gave him a nod and went to the kitchen.

"Good..." FP answered his question. "What are you doing here?" He kept his eye on Charles. "What brings you to Riverdale? And how did you find me?"

"Trust me, seeing you again is just as weird for me. My job recently relocated me to this town."

"Then why were you-"

"Back there in Centerville?" Charles knew what he was asking. "Yes, I was talking to one of my clients. I'm a social worker. I check in with a handful of people in that hostel where I ran into you. I didn't think I'd be seeing you again...sorry I never caught your name."

"Well, it's FP." He shook his hand. He found this encounter sketchy but he wasn't sensing any harm.

Pop placed two chocolate milkshakes on the counter. "Here you both go."

"Thanks, Pop." FP reached for his. As did Charles. "So what's it like here?" Charles asked. "Other than it being a small town."

"Depends on what side you live on. A man like yourself probably finds himself on the northside," FP took a sip of his milkshake.

"I take that you don't."

"Nope, been southside all my life." He let out a small sigh. "It's where I'm from, so it's home."

"What's the big deal with two sides of town?"

"It's about who lives on what side. You see, northsiders aren't very fond of people like me. There are a few kind souls on the northside but, I can't speak for everyone."

"I saw the symbol on your jacket and was just so curious about it. Is it gang affiliated? Are you in one?"

"In one? Young man, I run it." Charles' eyebrows went to his hairline. FP chuckled. "And before anyone fills you with toxic information, we are not bad people. We're a family, not a group of criminals. They were who I had to depend on when my own family bailed on me."

"You could say that I didn't grow up with a family either." Charles opened up a little. He watched what he spilled though. "I've been a lone wolf since birth. I grew up in an orphanage and I've always felt alone." Charles frowned. "That's why I do what I do now, so no one has to feel the way I did. It's nice to know someone is looking out for me."

FP was touched by his story. "Wow, where were you when I needed you?"

"Probably not born yet," Charles smiled.

FP looked at Charles. He gave into his thoughts. "So you never got to meet your parents?" Charles shook his head no. "Huh, I don't know who's luckier, me or you."

"Isn't it nicer to have your folks though? Rather than to be all alone?"

"I'd rather that than living with my old man. He was a nasty drunk. Threw me out to the streets at sixteen. It's part of the reason I found hospitality in the Serpents."

"I didn't know that," Charles felt sympathy for the man. "What did you think your life would've been like because of that?"

"I don't know. I never thought far out into my future. I always thought I'd wind up getting myself killed or drinking myself to death just like my old man." FP twirled the glass in his hand around. "I was close, but I could never tell my son. Knowing that I have to depend on medication I can't afford is what I'm afraid of. I didn't want to worry my kid so I just didn't tell him. He probably knows though. I know he heard all those times my buddy brought me back home from the bar. All drunk and unstable. I regret falling into that low point of my life but it was the only way I could cope with everything. It was all I knew what to do."

"I actually dealt with addiction too. I was young and afraid of the world. Hell, what did I know? I was just a seventeen year old on the run. I thought drugs would ease up my stress. I was wrong. Really wrong. I was lucky to realize how wrong it was for me and I got help in rehab. I haven't used in years and I fear that I will fall into the temptation."

"I stopped drinking but it's only been a little over a week with me sober. I really want to commit to this and I genuinely need to."

"Have you ever considered AA meetings? They've got to have that here, right?"

"Maybe, I'll have to look into it."

"You really should," Charles nodded. "I really think it would help."

"Thanks," FP kindly smiled. "For everything, really." He rose his healing arm a tad bit. "I'll probably see you around if you stick around long enough." FP excused himself. "I'll look into that program." Charles watched him leave. He liked this mystery man. There was just something about him.

FP drove straight to Fred's house knowing the man would most likely be there. He knocked on the door and was a little ashamed to see him. He knew he could be doing better with his life if he didn't succumb to the urge to drink.

Fred opened the door. He wasn't expecting him at this time. "Hey," He greeted him. "Uh, Jughead is out with Archie."

"I know. I spoke to him earlier. I'm actually here to talk to you."

"Okay," Fred pushed the door open. He stepped aside to let him in. FP walked in and waited for him to lead the way. Fred gestured to the living room after he shut the door. FP put his helmet to the side when he took a seat. "What's up?"

"I want to join AA."

"You do?" Fred was glad to hear that. It was a step in the right direction. "That's great, FP. Why all of a sudden, may I ask?"

"It's time, Freddie. I need to stay sober. For Jughead, for Jellybean, for myself. I can't keep going at it like I stupidly did." FP clasped his hands together. "I'm gonna need help here to do this. That's why I want you to sponsor me. I know you genuinely wanted to help me sober up. My circle of trust worthy friends is embarrassingly small."

"I want to help you, FP. Of course I can sponsor you." Fred put his hand out for him to shake. FP happily accepted it. "Thank you, Fred. Not just for this. For taking care of my boy too."

"Anything for a dear ol' friend."

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