14/ The Boys

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FP planned on driving to Centerville after the sun went down. Joaquin helped him shove the duffle bags under the seats. He had stopped by the trailer with his friends.

"I want you boys to keep an eye on Jughead for me if he steps foot on the southside. And yes, Sweet Pea, that means you have to be nice to him."

"I'm a ray of sunshine," Sweet Pea said. FP arched an eyebrow at him.

"I'll make sure he is," Fangs assured him.

"You're good to go, man." Joaquin looped around to join them.

"Where is he anyway?" Sweet Pea asked.

"He's staying at a friend's."

"You sure he's not," Sweet Pea bounced on the end of the tailgate, making the truck squeak.

FP smacked the back of his head. "Get your mind out of the gutter."

Sweet Pea hopped off and rubbed the sore spot. "I'm just saying," He laughed. "Not like you weren't getting any at our age."

"Oh, shut up." He shook his head disapprovingly. He shut the tailgate. "Now if you three are going to loiter around in my trailer again, stop trying to crack the parental code on the tv again. There's a reason I put it on."

"You would move the secret key from under the rock if you didn't want us inside," Joaquin pointed out like the smartass he was.

"I don't want any surprises on my tv when I turn it on to watch a football game." He specifically eyed Sweet Pea.

"It was one time," Sweet Pea defended himself.

"One too many." FP opened the truck door. "Now, I'm going to pretend I believe you idiots, so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Scouts honor," Joaquin saluted him.

"You're my eyes and ears," FP directed at Fangs.

"You got it," Fangs said with a smile.

FP climbed into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. Fangs tapped on his window and FP rolled it down. "Yes?"

"Can we order a pizza?"

"Knock yourselves out." FP rolled the window back up. The boys waved him goodbye as he disappeared into the distance.

He was very cautious throughout his drive. He knew that one false move would draw attention to himself. It wasn't like he wasn't familiar with what he was doing. It was the opposite really. It just never hurt to have precautions.

Five minutes deep into town he parked in an alley behind the Last Resort Hostel and focused on the back door. He waited for a very tall and pale man to come out. FP stepped out of the truck when he saw him. He piled the bags into his arms and carried them over to him.

"They ain't gonna bring themselves in," The man stepped aside. "And make it quick. My girlfriend will be back soon for her car." FP sighed and walked in. He followed him up a flight of stairs and to the end of the hall. He dumped the bags onto a bed and turned to him for the money. He handed him a giant roll of bills and shoved him out.

He slammed against the wall as the door shut. "Fucking asshole," He muttered as he pocketed the money. He walked back down the hall and accidentally bumped into someone at the corner.

"Watch where you're going," He told FP. He looked him up and down. "I've never seen you around here before."

"I was leaving," FP went around him.

"I'm talking to you," He grabbed onto his collar and spun him around to face him.

"Do you want me out or not?"

"If you're going to trespass on my property then have the decency to at least respect me."

While they had their dispute Charles was in one of the rooms in the hall talking to a former farmie. He had managed to leave the Farm when the FBI tracked it down to this town. "There are giant scars on these people, but it's going to be hard to prove with none of our witnesses slashed. They have to keep the organs somewhere on site. The question is where."

"Edgar is very secretive. There's no easy way to get answers with everyone so dazed."

"Then that means I'm going to have to-" Charles heard a thump against the wall and the faint sound of yelling. "What was that?"

"It might be Marcel, the manager, arguing with someone in the hall again. You could say he's very...unfriendly."

Charles got up to go check on the scene. He opened the door to see a bleeding man left in the hallway. "Hey, what happened to you?"

"I'd rather be having pizza with the boys." FP held onto his arm and brushed past him.

Charles grabbed him before he got too far. "Where are you going? You need that patched up before you bleed out." He led him into the room he was just in. "Chic, do you have a first aid kit or something in here?"

"I might have a wrap you can use." Chic got up to check the bathroom.

"Keep pressure on it," Charles advised as he sat him down. FP pulled his flannel off and rolled his t-shirt sleeve up to reveal the spot he got stabbed. It wasn't alarming, but it did need to be treated.

Charles grabbed paper towels and wet them with clean water. He wiped the cut clean. Chic came back with bandage wrap and handed it to Charles. FP couldn't figure out why he found himself staring at this young man.

"That should do it." Charles wrapped his arm securely.

FP stood up and gave him a simple but sincere nod before walking out.

"Not a man of many words." Charles looked over at Chic. "Have you ever seen him before?" Chic shook his head no. Charles looked down at his watch. "I have to get going. I'm already running late for a meeting. Thank you very much for your cooperation."

Charles shook his hand. He cleaned up before he stepped out.

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