28/ Audio Tapes

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FP dropped Fred off at his house before making his way back to the southside. He spoke to his son for a couple of minutes before telling him he was heading back to the trailer.

He stepped into his double-wide and flipped the lights on. There was a set of bags on his table in the kitchen. He knew exactly what that meant. He snatched the note on them off.

Looks like you'll be saving me time with my new clientele

FP crumbled it up and threw it into the trash can. He immediately spun around and walked back out the door to make his way to the Whyte Wyrm.

Hog Eye was surprised to see him. FP walked in and took a seat in front of him. "What brings you in tonight?"

"She left more in my kitchen." He rubbed his temples. "I can't stand this any longer."

"What do you want to do? You know the Snake Charmer always gets her way."

"I know," FP slammed his fist on the counter. "I just need to figure something out. She's stressing me out too much."

"Jones, you know the Serpents will help you. Why not ask us?"

"It's my mess. I have to handle it."

"It's okay to ask us for help. We wouldn't let you deal with Penny all on your own."

"Thanks but I got this. I have to make it clear that I'm not her dancing monkey."

"Whatever you decide to do." Hog Eye crinkled his fingers up into their gang sign. "We got your back."


Alice was sitting on her bed when she heard a knock on the door. She couldn't guess who would be there this late. "Who is it?"

"Sister Alice, it's me Evelyn. May I speak to you?"

"Oh, of course. Come in."

The door creaked open and the red headed woman came in. "I didn't awake you, did I?"

"No, I was just getting ready for bed."

"I will make this quick then. I spoke to Edgar and he is very excited to meet you. He knows he can help you heal from the pain that that husband of yours must of caused you."

"Edgar wants to meet me? So soon?"

"Yes, you caught his attention. He wants to help you sister Alice. Would you like to meet with him tomorrow afternoon?"

Deep down she didn't but she knew she couldn't miss this opportunity. "That sounds wonderful."

"I will confirm with my husband," Evelyn smiled. "Good night, Alice."

"Good night," Alice put on a kind smile. It dropped as soon as she left. She didn't trust her or her husband one bit.

Alice couldn't sleep knowing that she was only hours away from meeting a man presumed to be secretly wicked and conniving.

She waited until she felt like Evelyn and everyone else was elsewhere to lurk around. She quietly left her room and roamed around with a flashlight and her phone in hand.

There were many doors as she walked down a hallway. Many were locked. She had a gut feeling that they had to do with the illegal surgeries they do. Eventually she found one unlocked and stepped in. It was dark and made shivers run down her spine. She flashed the light around. There were many boxes. She peeked into one and saw labeled tapes. They had names. She took pictures and sent them to Charles. Who knew what kind of evidence these were? She stopped when she heard footsteps. She turned off her light and hid. Edgar came in with Evelyn. She recognized him from the photo Charles showed her. He had a tape in his hand.

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