39/ She Knows

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Charles had a restless night sitting in room 246 with his father. It was hard to look at him hooked up to machines and hanging on for dear life.

He made a trip to the cafeteria when daylight struck. He grabbed a coffee and went straight back to the hospital room.

He had his phone pressed against his ear as he stared out the window. "He got through the night with no complications." Charles turned around to look at FP. "He's not going to be conscious but it wouldn't do him any harm to have visitors. Okay, I'll see you three soon."

Jughead put his phone down on the table. He ran his hands over his face. Jellybean sat across from him and ate the eggs their mother made for breakfast.

Gladys placed two strips of bacon on their plates. "Eat up."

"Who were you talking to?" Jellybean took a bite out of her bacon. "Where we going?"

"It was Charles," He answered.


"The nice guy dad was working with."

"Is daddy still at work?"

Gladys dropped the pan into the sink. She pulled up a chair next to the kids. "JB, hon, he's-"

"He's with Charles." Jughead wasn't ready to say it just yet.

"Jug," Gladys gave him a knowing look.

He sighed and nodded. "Jellybean, when I said dad was at work...that wasn't true."

"You lied?"

"Yes, but only because I didn't want to upset you," He was quick to justify his actions.

"Then where is he?"

Gladys decided to take over. "Do you remember when your father was sick long ago?"

Jellybean nodded. "Yeah. Did he get sick again?"

"It's kind of like that except he got a little more sick this time. He had a heart attack."

"Is he okay? Where is he?"

Jughead couldn't bare that look on her face. Gladys pulled her little girl into a hug to comfort her.

"He's at the hospital where the doctors helped him," Jughead answered.

"Can we see him?" Jellybean looked up at Gladys with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, kiddo. Right after you finish your breakfast."

A knock on the door filled the silence in the room. Hog Eye knocked again. Gladys got up to get the door. "What brings you bright and early?"

"Good morning," Hog Eye said. "Just wanted to check up on how everyone was doing. Yesterday, uh," He scratched the back of his neck. "Was eventful."

"We were about to go see him," Jughead spoke from the kitchen. "I was told he made it through the night just fine."

"That's good to hear," He smiled. "I wanted to let you all know that the Serpents are right by your side. You're not alone."

"Thanks, Hog Eye."

"I'll get going but I wish you all my best regards."


Everyone at the Farm was gathering early for breakfast. Polly was already accompanied by Jason to take their seats. Polly was eating for three so Jason wanted her there for first dibs.

Evelyn was strolling around the tables chatting with a few people. When she made it to Polly she noticed that Alice wasn't with her. "Will your mother be joining us?"

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