7/ Disappointment

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The meeting was confirmed for 6 p.m. at the Wyrm. Jughead had told Alice he would meet her there. Betty wanted to tag along with her, but she made it clear that it wasn't a suitable place for her. So there she was preparing herself to go to the southside.

Hal had been watching her get ready. "I don't know why you're doing this. Do you really think it's going to go well?"

"I don't see why you even care. You didn't come home last night," Alice rolled her eyes at him. He came to the house early in the morning. "I want to do this and I will."

"Fine, but I might have to tell you I told you so when you come back disappointed." The man shrugged. He had no hope in this whatsoever.


The Whyte Wyrm was almost empty. Hog Eye was behind the bar per usual and a few Serpents were hanging out. It wasn't as full as other nights. Considering that it was raining outside Jughead thought there wouldn't be many Serpents coming to the bar.

He sat on a stool waiting for his father to show. Hog Eye told him he was out on a job. Jughead was expecting Alice any minute now, so he was getting a little nervous he wouldn't be back on time.

"Do you know when my dad will be back?"

"I don't know," He shook his head. He continued to wipe the counter clean.

Heads turned to the door when Alice walked in. She took a quick glance around and saw the stares before she made her way to the bar. Hog Eye looked up to see the familiar woman.

"My, my, if it isn't Alice," He smiled. "What can I get for ya?"

"Nothing. Thank you."

"You know each other?" Jughead arched an eyebrow, utterly confused.

"It's a long story," Hog Eye vaguely answered. He saw the look in her eyes. She appreciated his respect for minimal detail.

"Well, uh, my dad should be here soon. I'm sorry for the wait." Jughead sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

Alice saw the look on Hog Eye's face. He was clearly wondering what she was doing planning to see FP. "It's okay."

She sat at the bar for an hour with Jughead's company. He looked down at his watch. He felt very guilty for making her wait this long. He was growing antsy. Where was his father?

Just a few minutes later a group of Serpents walked in with a soaked FP walking behind them. He shook the rain water out of his hair. He took a quick glance at Alice. He didn't think she would still be here.

"Alice Cooper? The hell is she doing here?" Tall Boy scoffed. "Here to find incriminating evidence?"

Jughead walked up to his father. "You're late," He gritted through his teeth. "You said you would do this for me."

"I also said I had a job," FP calmly told him.

"Well now that you're here. Go talk to her."

FP looked at Alice. She didn't move. FP walked over to the bar. He tapped two fingers on the counter. Hog Eye already knew what he wanted. He placed a shot in front of him. Alice was nervous to talk to him. She had no idea how this could go.

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