50/ Communication is Key

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FP sat by the kitchen island. His elbows leaned on the surface as he hid his face behind his hands.

Fred brought him a glass of water. "Here. I'm glad to see that you're up and going."

"Everything is so complicated," FP lifted his head up.

"Wanna talk about it?" Fred asked. "What's up?"

"The problem is I don't know. Everything is just not right. Charles is next door with Alice and all I want to do is help but I don't know how."

"Charles, your social worker?" Fred recalled meeting him at the hospital.

"He's not actually my social worker," FP picked up the glass. "He's our son." He gulped down water.

"What?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean son?"

"Alice gave birth to my first son. He's here in our lives now."

"Wait, so you have another son? And Alice is the mother?" FP nodded. "Wow, I did not know that. That's...that's something."

"I practically got kicked out and Hal's next door."

"Do you still care about her, FP?"

"Of course I do," FP fiddled with his thumbs. "But everything is so complicated." He glanced over to Jellybean playing with Vegas in the living room. Jughead was to her side talking to Archie. "I know Gladys left without a word. I'm just glad she didn't take the kids with her."

"Did you end up asking for the divorce?"

"Yes," FP sighed. "It wasn't easy though. I wouldn't know what to expect from here on out."

"You'll be fine," Fred patted his shoulder. "You've got me in your corner. If you need anything just say the word."

"Then there's Alice. I want to talk to her, but I haven't gotten the right chance to."

"Is this about your son?"

"It's far more than that."

"Then I would say whenever you're both ready. The time will come."

"I think so too."

Vegas ran into the kitchen to go out to the backyard. Jellybean came running in after the dog. "No, come back!"

"What happened, kiddo?" Fred asked the little girl.

"He just got up and ran away." She frowned.

"He just needed some fresh air. It's okay. He hasn't gone out there yet, that's why."

"You want some water, baby?" FP showed her his glass.

"No, it's okay." She walked over to him. "But, daddy?"


"Does your hand hurt?" She looked over at it.

FP tucked it away. "It's okay. You don't need to worry about it, okay?"

"Are you sure? You hit him very hard."

"Did you hit Hal?" Fred questioned.

"Yeah, my daddy punched him for saying mean things about the lady."

"Ok, Jellybelly, how about you go talk to your brother now." FP hinted for her to go.

"Which one?"

"Jughead," He pointed and Jellybean went.

"You seriously hit him?"

"It just kinda happened. He deserved it though. Would have done worse if my boy didn't intervene."

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