31/ The Joneses are Getting a Divorce

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Alice knocked on her daughter's door. She could hear her's and Jason's voice.

"Come in," Polly said. Alice stepped in. "Hey, mom, we're just talking to Betty. Come say hi."

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you doing?"

"Good, how are you, mom?" Betty's voice was heard on speaker.

"She's doing good. I know she was lucky to meet Edgar Evernever yesterday," Polly answered for her mother.

"Who's Edgar?" Betty asked.

"He's a health guru who has helped me. Speaking to him was liberating," Alice played her part in this investigation well. She could see that Polly must believe her.

"I'm so happy for you, mom. I told you he would help." Polly felt joy for her mother.

"Me too, Mrs. Co-" Jason was cut off.

"Smith. It's going to be Smith again so start practicing." Polly looked at her with wide eyes. "What? It's true."

"You go, mom." Betty chuckled.

"See, your sister gets it."

"When are you coming back to visit? I miss you guys."

"Maybe soon. I know I found peace here but I do miss you too, Elizabeth." Alice answered her question. "How are you doing? Everything okay with your father?" She didn't care about him but she did care if Betty was happy with him.

"He's been so moody. He doesn't really talk. He goes to work then straight back home and hides in the den."

"Well, honey, he asked for the divorce. He should have known how things would have changed."

"You seem much happier though, mom."

"Trust me. I am. Even if it's hard to go through. A divorce brings up so much of the past."

"It's a good thing you're here, Ms. Smith," Jason spoke up. "This place has clearly helped you."

"Thank you, Jackson."

"It's Jason." He corrected her.

"I know," Alice smirked. "It's not so fun being called the wrong thing, is it?"


FP sat at the kitchen table eating a sandwich. Gladys was in the living room watching tv but she would glance over at him often. He knew she was looking at him and it just irked him.

Jughead and Jellybean weren't home. Jughead took Jellybean over to Joaquin's trailer so she could play with Ricky.

FP gave up and put his sandwich down. He turned his head to look at her. When he had her attention he harshly blurted it out, "I want a divorce."

Gladys shut the tv off and stood up. "You what?" She walked over to him. "You want a divorce?"

"Yes-" Gladys slapped him across the face. He grabbed his face and glared at her. "Are you honestly surprised? You left me. Why not make it official?"

"You want a divorce? Just like that?"

"It's for the best. I'm not happy."

"What about me?"

"You're clearly not happy. Why are you complaining?" FP rubbed his face.

"You can't just ask for a divorce."

"Yes, I can. Be glad I didn't ask for it sooner. You know what you cost me."

"What the hell does that mean?"

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