11/ The Coopers are Getting a Divorce

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Alice arrived to work feeling refreshed. She walked straight to her desk and put her laptop down. She could feel Hal's eyes on her.

"There she is." Hal dramatically said. "Where have you been, honey bunch?"

"I would have much preferred working from home instead of coming to see your face." Alice didn't have the time of day for his sarcasm. "But seeming as I'm more mature than that, I came to the office."

"Well now that you're here there is something I need to talk to you about." Hal sighed. "I'm going to need you to look at me though."

"What, Harold?" She rolled her eyes. "Did you not like your big change in cardigan material? If you don't like how the natural fibers feel on you, then you could always switch back to cotton."

"Alice, I need you to be serious."

Alice spun around to face him with crossed arms. "You have my attention."

"Okay so I know there's been a rough patch in our marriage for years now."

"Yeah, so?" Every year of it to be exact she would say.

"I don't think it's going to get any better."

"Get to the point, Hal."

"I want a divorce." He blurted out.

"Excuse me?" She wanted him to repeat himself just to make sure she heard him right. "You want to divorce me?"

"It's for the best. We both know that." Hal tried to reason with her. "There's no spark anymore. I don't get that thrill anymore."

"I know, but you don't see me complaining." Alice scoffed. "You can't be serious." Although a part of her was relived to put an end to this marriage another part was hurt. He wanted to leave her. He was the one taking the initiative to call it quits.

"I've been contemplating it for a while now and I think we need it."

"What about the girls?"

"We can tell Betty when we go home."

"No, you're telling Betty." Alice grabbed her laptop. "You break that poor girl's heart yourself. You want the divorce, then you tell her. I'm leaving."

"Alice!" Hal watched her open the door. "We need to talk about this!"

"I've heard enough!"

Alice found herself sitting in her car right outside of the diner. Pop's milkshakes always had a sweet taste that made her forget about her worries. It felt like home.

She sauntered in and made her way to the counter. Pop Tate noticed her and walked out of the kitchen. He placed the take out bag in his hand down.

"Hello, Alice, what can I get for you?" The man always offered a warm smile.

"Hello, Pop. I would like a vanilla milkshake if it isn't too much of a hassle."

"Coming right up," He chuckled. He made his way back to the kitchen while Alice patiently waited by the register.

FP came out of the bathroom and to his surprise he saw Alice. He made his way over, hesitant to make contact. He reached for the take out bag in front of her. Alice saw the hand and her eyes trailed over to him. She looked him in the eyes and began to bawl in front of him. She didn't care that she did, but she couldn't look at him right now. She turned away, trying to rush out.

"Alice, wait!" FP called out for her. He heard the bell above the door as she ran out.

Pop came out with her milkshake. He looked at FP confused. FP reached into his pocket and yanked out a few bills. "This should cover it," He slammed them on the counter and grabbed the drink from him. "I'll get it to her." He spun around and went after her.

He took a wild guess and drove to Elm St. Fortunately for him, he was able to catch up to her outside her house. He ditched his food in the truck and grabbed the milkshake. He knew she probably didn't care about the drink, but he needed an excuse to go up to her.

Alice saw him across the street. She ignored him coming her way and walked to her door.

"Alice, I'm sorry!" He apologized. "I know I was acting like an asshole yesterday!" She fumbled with her keys as she tried to unlock the door. She let herself in as FP made it up. "And I know you weren't exactly expecting to run into me of all people. I didn't mean to upset you today too." He held her milkshake out towards her. She shook her head. "I don't want it." She closed the door on him and pressed her back against it.

"It's yours. Just take it." FP softly said. He laid his head against the other side of the door, hoping she would open it.

"Have it," Alice didn't want to have to face him.

"I can't."

"Big whoop, just because it isn't chocolate?"

"It's cold and I'm just feeling under the weather, alright? I really shouldn't."

"Just go, FP."

"Talk to me, Alice. Please? You're clearly upset. I wasn't trying to-"

"Don't be so coincided, it has nothing to do with you. It's just been a rough day." Alice wiped her eyes.

FP let out a sigh. He wasn't going to make it worse for her. He put the drink down and stepped away in defeat. Alice heard his heavy footsteps fade away. She looked through the blinds. The man took a last look at the house before climbing into his truck. As soon as he drove away she opened the door. She noticed that he left the milkshake for her. There was a small smile on her face as she picked it up, but it left too soon. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her phone ring, so she went back inside.


After school Betty and Jughead went straight to The Register. She was still helping him on his work and quite frankly she was very intrigued by what she had read so far. "Mom," Betty opened the door. "Jughead and I are here." She walked to the back with him, but to only see her father. "Where's mom?"

"She went home early." Hal turned away from his desk. He knew it was best to give her the news than argue about it with Alice. "But, I need to talk to you." He looked at Jughead behind her. "Alone."

Betty saw the way he looked at him. "Whatever you have to say to me you can say to him."

"Okay, then." Hal sighed. "Betty, your mother and I are getting a divorce."


"I should go," Jughead awkwardly excused himself.

Betty turned to him. "It's fine."

"No, really, it's okay. You two should talk." Jughead left them alone. It was a family matter.

Betty turned back to her father and waited for further explanation. He didn't know what to tell her so she got impatient. "I'm just going to go too. I only came to work with mom and Jughead, but since they're both gone, I'm going home."

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