48/ Edgar Evernever

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Charles finally got through to his team about invading the Farm. They couldn't let the Serpents get involved without their authorization. That meant they had to guide them through it.

FBI members came down to the Whyte Wyrm to strategize with the Serpents. Charles would pop in and out of the crowd whenever he wasn't upstairs in his father's office.

"There's no point of sticking me up here." FP sulked behind his desk. He didn't like the fact that he had to sit in his office while everyone downstairs was figuring out a plan.

"You promised to stay out of it. I know it's hard, but it's for the best. You know that."

"Be honest with me, Charles. What's going on with her?"

"She's going to be okay. I'm going to make sure of it."

"You're seriously not going to let me do anything?"

"You can rest. That's what you're supposed to be doing."

"I don't want to feel like I'm not helping."

"You are helping. You're helping yourself make sure you're staying well rested. Don't you want mom to come back and see you happy? That's only going to happen if she knows you're doing well."

A head poked in to give Charles a message. "The gumshoes are asking for you, blondie."

"Tell them I'll be right down."

"Hey, before you go, Toni. Can you and the boys keep Jug and Jellybean company when we go deal with this?" He would feel a lot better knowing they were accounted for while he was out. Especially after their mother left out of the blue.

"Actually," Charles had something else in mind. "Would you mind if they stay at mom's house?"

"Why? I don't want them near Hal." That was his only concern with that.

"He shouldn't be there. When Polly's home he tries to stay away. It would just be my sisters."

"Never mind." FP looked over at Toni.

"That's fine," She left.

"Why there?" FP questioned.

"It's going to make explaining much easier if we're all in one place when we get back."


FP hugged Jellybean when she got out of the car. "Behave, okay? Tell Jug if you need anything."

"Why are we here?"

"I have to go with Charles for a bit. I will be right back after."

Jughead spoke to Charles on the other side of the car. "Seriously? You're taking him with you? After telling me so many times he can't know."

"I wasn't expecting him to walk in when I was trying to recruit Serpents for this," Charles defended himself. "He refuses to stay, but it's fine. I'm making sure he stays put."

"You better," Jughead looped around the car. He walked up to his dad and embraced him. "You sure you don't want to stay?"

"Don't worry, boy. Everything is under control."

"Okay, I trust you." Jughead released him. "We'll be right here when you get back."

"If Hal comes, don't let him-"

"I know. I know. We're fine. We can handle it. Bye, dad. See ya soon."

"Bye, I'll be right back." FP climbed back into the passenger seat.

Jughead walked Jellybean up the steps. Betty and Polly were waiting at the door to welcome them in.

"Hi, guys. Come in. This is curtesy of our surprisingly shared brother." Betty stepped aside to grant them access in.

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