35/ Heart Attack

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FP met Jughead in the truck. Jughead played with the radio while he pulled out of the trailer park.

"Jellybean would have loved this," Jughead stopped on a Pink Floyd song. "She told me that mom's parents have a vinyl player in the living room. She found a Pink Floyd vinyl in the stack and would play it all the time. Look at her, she's like the coolest ten year old I know."

"You know, Fred and I were in a band senior year."

"No way," Jughead gaped. "I didn't know you were into music like that. What did you play?"

"Drums. Fred took on being frontman. He was on bass and was vocals. Too bad he named the band."

"What was the name?"

FP laughed. "It was terrible."

"Come on. Tell me."

"Would you believe we were The Fred Heads?"

Jughead laughed too. "Sounds very much like Mr. Andrews." He said. "I thought you just played football in high school."

"I did play for a while, yeah."

"Why'd you stop? You were really good, weren't you? I saw your picture in the trophy case."

"Oh, uh, sports injury."

"Really? That sucks. You probably would've been pro or something."

"Yeah," FP sadly smiled. "But Fred, boy." He cleared his throat. "He could have been on one of those baseball cards you used to collect. He was really good at that damn sport. He gave it up for construction though."

"Yeah, Archie told me about how his grandfather died when Mr. Andrews was young."

"Artie was a good man. He raised three good sons. Fred, Oscar, and Frank."

"I didn't know Mr. Andrews had brothers."

"Oscar passed years ago but Frank, he's out there somewhere."

"They must be like Mr. Andrews."

"Definitely," FP agreed.

"We're here." Jughead could see Archie's house. "Thanks, dad. I'll catch ya later."

"Bye, behave."

"You know I will!" Jughead went up the porch to the door. Fred opened the door to let him in. He waved at FP before going inside with the boys.

Next door Alice was coming out of her house. FP noticed her and climbed out of the truck. Alice was still yet to see him.

"Look at the odds," FP smiled.

"FP?" A smile creeped up on her face too. "How long have you been here? Have you been waiting for me?"

"I just dropped off Jug at Fred's but I timed it well didn't I?" He walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"It's nice seeing you. I didn't know if I was going to today."

"Wanna know a little secret? I've been standing here all night so I wouldn't miss you leaving."

Alice smacked his chest and playfully rolled her eyes. "You're something else, Jonesy."

"Like what, your sight for sore eyes?" He cheekily smiled.

"You wish, but I agree. It's all in your eyes."

"You like 'em?"

"Yeah, how else am I supposed to see my reflection?"

FP's face was priceless to her. She laughed and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks together. "I'm just messing with you," She smiled. "Partially."

"You don't really have to leave do you?" He pouted.

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