41/ Medical Power of Attorney

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Over a week has gone by since FP's hospitalization and Charles spent a majority of his time with him. His brother would swing by after school, sometimes with their sister.

Jughead handed Charles a Pop's bag before taking a seat next to him.

"Thanks," Charles said.

Jughead nodded. "Anything new?" He took his backpack off and set it down on the floor.

"The doctor is considering taking him out of this trance and going on from there."

"That's good, right? He'll be awake."

"Yeah, we just have to be careful with stress."

"We can do that," Jughead thought positively. "I'll need to figure out what's going on with the Serpents though. He shouldn't worry about being a leader right now."

"That's a start. Someone has to take over while he recovers." Charles dug into the bag. "He shouldn't be overwhelmed."

"Yeah, I get that." He let out a sigh. "It also means things between my parents need to be civil. It's not going to be a pretty picture with their divorce. He does not need my mom berating him right now."

"He's happy to have you and Jellybean together again. That should keep him at ease for the most part."

"We both know who else keeps him happy," Jughead unwrapped his burger and took a big bite out of it. "But it's not going to be that easy. Whatever they have going on isn't for the public eye."

"You, uh, work for her at the Register. Does that mean you like work on articles together?"

"Kinda. Just when she's in town. Mr. Cooper doesn't like me much, so I avoid working in the office when she's not there."

"When was the last time you talked to my mother?"

"I don't know. Like a week ago?" Jughead shrugged. He glanced over at his brother. He caught a whiff of concern on his face. "Why?" Truth be told he was. He hasn't had contact with her in days and he didn't exactly know if to worry yet or not. "Charles?"

"Just wondering."

A knock on the door interrupted them. "I'm here to check on the patient," A nurse spoke. They nodded and she made her way to the bed.

Jughead leaned closer to him and spoke in a hushed tone. "What aren't you telling me?"

"It's nothing. Drop it."

"If something's wrong. It'll kill him. Literally kill him." Jughead glanced over at the hospital bed. The nurse was too occupied writing on her clipboard to pay attention to them.

"I can't tell you."

"I'm your brother and that's our dad." He pointed. "Anything that has to do with him concerns me too."

"Fine," Charles huffed. "I told my mom about dad and she hasn't spoken to me since then."

"You told her? Obviously she wouldn't take it well."

"God, it's all my fault." Charles pinched the arch of his nose.

"Maybe she's just taking time to let it sink in." Jughead didn't understand his anxious feeling, but he did know it was a hard situation.

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