51/ The Return of Alice Smith

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A couple of weeks went by with things slowly starting to get back to normal, or at least as normal as things could get.

Charles was able to get a statement from her mother about what happened while at the Farm. He took his time with her. In the meantime, he checked through the evidence they gathered thanks to her. He didn't intend to rush with her.

Alice's divorce was also still in the process. FP's was no different. He was just waiting on the paperwork to get back to him from Gladys.

At the Cooper house, Alice was getting ready to go to her meeting with Sierra. Jason stopped by to get Polly for her appointment.

"Good luck, sweetie. I wish I could go but I really do have to attend this meeting with my lawyer."

"I already told you, mom, it's okay. We'll bring back pictures. Hopefully the twins pose for the ultrasounds."

"I can't wait to see," Alice hugged her. "Take care of my baby." She looked at Jason.

"I will. She's the mother of my babies."

"I think Betty is tagging along. Where is she?" Polly asked.

"Right here," Betty appeared just in time.

"We should get going. Cheryl is waiting in the car."

"JJ, let's go!" Cheryl yelled from outside.

"Bye, Ms. Smith."

"Bye, kids." Alice waved them goodbye as they left.

She went back inside and looked at the clock. She reached for her phone and made a quick call.

"Hey, good morning. I wanted to check in on you. I was just about to head to my meeting with Sierra and wanted to ask if you were on your way so I could wait for you."

Alice waited for FP's reply. She knew he was meeting with Sierra right after her so she thought carpooling would have been convenient.

He told her he was wrapping up a meeting with Ms. Weiss but would meet her there right after.

"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye, FP."


Sierra put down the documents in her hand. She went over the last bits with Alice. "You're almost a free woman, Alice." Sierra congratulated her. "Just sign this line down here and it's all over. Hal's signatures have already been processed last week."

"Give me that pen," Alice smiled. Sierra handed her the paper and one of her pens. "So the girls are mine?"

"There's still a little work to do there, but I can assure you that you will no longer be Mrs. Cooper after you walk out that door."

FP knocked on the office door. He poked his head in. "Am I intruding?"

"We're almost done," Sierra answered. "I will call you in."

"Come in," Alice gestured for him to come in. "Watch me become Alice Smith again."

"This I've got to see," FP said. He turned to someone in the hall. "If you want to go home now, you can. Thanks again for everything today." He hugged his son.

"Is that Charles with you?"

"Yeah, you know how he is. Always keeping tabs on me." FP joked.

"Someone has to make sure he's not keeping the doctors away, am I right?" Charles smiled. He stepped in to hug his mother before he left. "Hi, mom."

"Hi, sweetheart." Alice looked up at him after he released her. Mother's intuition told her something was not right about him. "Are you okay?" She felt his forehead for a fever.

"Oh, yeah. I was working late last night and caught a cold on the way home. But I'll be as good as new. It's just your common stuffy nose and irritation in the eyes." Charles rubbed his eye.

"He accompanied me to the clinic this morning. Doc said he's fine." FP added.

"Get some rest. Why don't you go to my house once we're done here and I'll make you a nice warm chicken noodle soup?"

"Thanks, but it's alright. I just need some good ol' sleep." Charles assured her. He turned to FP. "I'll check on Jughead and Jellybean though. Before I head to my apartment." Charles got a deposit down on a new furnished apartment he found weeks ago. He stated he was going to be around for a while so it was one step towards accomplishing that.

"Sounds good," FP nodded. "We hope to see you later."

"I'll stop by in the evening, mom." Charles let himself out.

"That's Charles? The Charles?" Sierra asked Alice. She watched the way the his parents interacted with him. Alice nodded. Faith did bring them back together after all. "He's so grown up."

"He's still our baby boy," Alice stated proudly.

"Well, I believe a congratulations is overdue. Congrats on the baby, you two."

"I still can't believe he's really ours," FP shook his head with a bright smile. "He's so great."

"Yeah," Alice said in awe. She brought her attention back to what she was supposed to be doing. "Anyways, let's get this officially done." Alice scribbled her name on the line and handed everything back to Sierra. "That's it. No more Hal Cooper, besides getting custody over the girls."

"You'll get it, Al. You're a very good mother. Hell, you brought up our son alone. No other woman I know would have done such a spectacular job. You're the best mother any child could ever have. Hal doesn't deserve them. You do."

"I would like to second that," Sierra agreed. "You're a bold woman, Alice. I can only imagine what lengths you would go for your daughters and son."

"Believe me. A lot," FP sounded very proud of Alice. "I would trust that my own kids would be in good hands with her." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Which reminds me, how is my case looking? The divorce papers should be back any day now and my social worker should have sent you some paperwork on my behalf."

"I received documents from her, yes. Things are looking great. Assuming the papers your soon to be ex wife sends back includes a signature to give up her parental rights, I say you're all set. These two cases would be my fastest divorces."

"It's only possible with the best team and effort."

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