56/ Graduates

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2 years later

Alice stood behind her youngest daughter as she looked into the mirror. She was going to be a high school graduate today.

"I'm so proud of you, Elizabeth." Alice couldn't get over the fact that she was hitting another milestone in her life. "This time a year ago we were watching Polly walk across that stage. Now my youngest baby gets to."

"Aw, don't cry mom." Betty turned around to catch her tears. "I'm still going to be your baby."

"Yes, my baby at Columbia," Alice held her hands. "You have such a bright future ahead of you, honey."

"Are you going to be okay here without me? It's going to be an empty nest in the fall."

"Don't think like that. I'll be fine." Alice put on a smile. "I'll have my grand babies and Polly. And Charles isn't going anywhere."

"I suppose you also still have your husband," Betty played with the wedding ring on her finger. It came to be no surprise that her mother and FP spontaneously eloped.

Her husband was in the next room helping Jughead with his tie. The room became his son's after Polly moved into an apartment with Jason. "You've made me a proud man, Jug. The first Jones to go to college. An ivy league while we're at it. My boy's going to Yale." He turned to Jellybean who was sitting on the bed. "What do you say to that, JB?"

"That I'm getting my own room," Jellybean cheekily smiled. The preteen was looking forward to it even though she knew she was going to miss him.

"I really wouldn't have a problem with going to community college," Jughead told his father. "I could stick around. Just say the word." He has stuck by his father for the longest time that he didn't think he could leave so easily.

"Hey, you worked very hard to get into your dream school. Don't think you have to give it all up for me. I want you to succeed. How else are you going to get that future novel published?" FP got him to smile. "I'm going to be fine here. Don't you worry about that. Alright? I promise Alice will take good care of me for you."

"I know she always will."

FP picked up his cap and gown. "Now how about we switch that beanie for a cap?"

Downstairs Polly arrived with her children. She found the door unlocked so she walked in with the one year olds in her arms. "Hello? Anyone home?"

"Hey," Charles came out of the kitchen with a couple crackers shoved in his mouth. He swallowed and rubbed his hands together. "Hey, kiddos, come to uncle Charlie." Charles took the twins from her. He pressed kisses on their cheeks. "Glad to see you," He told Polly. "Everyone is upstairs getting ready. Now I won't be the only one in a suit all day."

Polly laughed, "I'm going to go up and see. You okay with them?"

"Yeah, yeah, we'll be fine. Go on up." Charles walked over to the couch to sit down with Dagwood and Juniper.

Polly walked up and peeked into the first room. "Wow, look at you." She complimented Jughead.

"Hey," Jughead followed her voice to the door.

"Hi, Polly. Did you just arrive?" FP greeted her as well.

"Yeah, wanted to stop by before the ceremony. See how the graduates were doing. With that being said, excuse me, I'm going to see what Betty is up to." She smiled and walked to the next room. She spotted Alice helping Betty with her hair. "Has New York claimed her yet?"

"Polly!" Betty got up to hug her. She spun in her gown. "How do I look?"

"Great," Polly chuckled. "Add her to the list of high school graduates, mom."

"She's there. Her and Jughead's pictures will be put up alongside yours and Charles's today. FP and I fortunately managed to retrieve one of his to add to the row on the wall. In six years from now we'll fill in the frame meant for JB."

"I heard my name," Jellybean appeared in the hall with her father and brother.

"Yes, that you'll be like Jug and I in a few years." Betty filled her in.

"Don't remind me," FP frowned. Jughead put a hand on his shoulder, offering him a smile to cheer him up. Jellybean hugged the man. "It's okay, dad. No matter what, I'm always going to be that little bean with you wherever you are." She poked his chest, right where his jellybean tattoo was.

"I know," He smiled. He kissed the top of her head.

"How about we start heading to the school?" Alice walked over to him. "It's time to celebrate two of our brilliant souls."

"Dagwood kind of spat up on me," Charles came upstairs to join everyone. FP and Alice looked at each other and laughed. "Follow me. I'll find you something of mine to change into." FP walked to his and Alice's shared room. Charles held the children out to be grabbed. Jellybean took Juniper and Alice got Dagwood so Charles could go.

"You're mischievous, aren't you?" Alice tickled the boy. She loved his precious giggles.

Charles loosened his tie. He walked into the bedroom unbuttoning his shirt. FP stood by the closet and pulled out two dress shirts. "Black or white? Your pick."

"White, thanks." Charles reached for the hanger. FP hung the other back in the closet and held his tie for him. "I think I bounced him too much on my knee."

"You always learn the hard way," FP let out a small chuckle. "That was nothing. You should have seen what Jughead did to me once before a business meeting. Fred was a lifesaver that day." FP let him finish tucking in the shirt before looping the tie around his neck. Charles watched his hands tie the knot for him. "There," FP stepped back to look at him. It sparked a parental emotion in him. "Wow," He said. He flickered his eyes and turned his head away. "I told myself I wouldn't cry today." Seeing him stand there in his shirt made him picture himself. He saw a part of himself in him.

"Are you okay?" Charles softly asked.

"Yeah, it's just...I remembered you're all not my little kids anymore. Then with today happening I realized I didn't get to witness all the big moments in your lives." FP sat down on the bed. He was keeping it together. "I missed twenty five years of your life. Your accomplishments. Your tears. Your smiles. All of that. Then when Jellybean was out of my life for a couple of years...I don't know what I missed with her. I've had Jughead around his whole life. Now he's going to be an independent young man in New Haven."

"Hey, it's going to be alright. I promised you I would help you through this, didn't I? New Haven is a lovely town. I spent a month working there once." Charles looked down at his father. "Now, hell, let those tears out. They're tears of a proud father. You get to see what you've accomplished as our old man." Charles held a hand out for him. He helped his father up and into a hug.

"What's going on with my men in here?" Alice came in with Dagwood resting on her hip.

"Our boy made me feel old seeing him like this."

"You age like fine wine, honey. I don't see the problem here."

FP laughed. It felt great to. "Thanks, baby. I could say the same about you."

"So we're good to go?"

"Yeah, on my way down." FP followed her out.

"He wants to apologize for spitting milk on you," Alice showed Charles the child's cheeky smile.

"He's forgiven. It could have been worse. Besides I think this new shirt suits me better."

"It looks as lovely on you as on your father."

"File into the cars," Betty stood at the front door rushing everyone out. "Out, out, out."

"We're coming, relax." Charles teased her.

"Can you believe we're going to our high school for another graduation?" Alice turned to FP.

"It's like a dream come true, Al. Our story there never came to an end. It only began."

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