40/ Therapy is an Illusion

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Jellybean stood beside Jughead as he knocked on the door for Charles to let them in. Gladys stood behind.

Charles opened it swiftly.

"Can we see our dad?" Jellybean asked.

He welcomed them in by stepping aside. She saw the man laying on the bed.

"Is he going to be okay? Is he sleeping?"

"He's going to be sleeping for a while. The doctors want him to."

"Oh, but what if he has to use the bathroom? I know sometimes I wake up to go."

"He doesn't have to worry about that."

"Do you think they're going to keep him like this for long?" Jughead asked.

"For some time. I can't say how much. That depends on his recovery."

Jellybean walked up to the edge of the bed. He pecked a kiss on his cheek. "Daddy, I know you're sleeping but I want to tell you that I liked your story. I hope you wake up soon. I want us to finish the other story together."

"So what's still wrong with him?" Gladys took her turn in asking a question.

"His blood pressure is okay again. His kidneys are still getting there. Docs are doing their best."

"He's going to be okay," Jughead put everything into believing himself. "He has to."


Alice sat on a couch in the therapy room with Edgar across from her. He had been listening to Alice for the past hour. She felt exonerated by getting things off of her chest. She felt listened to. That was Edgar's charm. He tried to make her feel safe.

"I understand you, Alice. Love is complicated. You felt a connection to this FP unlike to your husband. That feeling inside you is not really about your divorce hurting you. It's wondering if your connection to FP is real and mutual that hurts."

"Is that what it is?" Alice asked. She needed to be told the answer. "He could never love me. I gave up the son he never knew about."

"Losing your son left a hole in your heart. The idea of having FP in your life is like having that son with you." Edgar listened to her absentmindedly confide in him. He listened to every word that came out of her mouth. "You should get some rest. Don't stress yourself with this." Edgar grabbed the cup of tea from her hands. He placed it on the table. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable in here. This should feel like somewhere where you can detox and feel true to yourself."

Alice nodded. Edgar made his way to the door. He took one last look at her before stepping out.

Alice moved her legs up on the couch. She grabbed one of the pillows by her feet and brought it up to her chest. She clung onto it and wondered if he was right.

All she could think about was FP. If he was okay or in any pain. If what he said about her feelings for FP reflected on herself.

Alice always did feel a certain type of way with him.

Alice sat alone on a barstool in the diner. It wasn't odd for her considering she didn't have others to necessarily call friends. She ordered the same vanilla milkshake every time. It was her favorite. As a child she was rewarded with one on some occasions for good behavior. The sweet taste now reminds her of the joy she felt as a young girl. The thought of it was meant to perk her up.

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