27/ AA

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FP stuck around Fred's house for dinner. Their sons were still out so it gave them time to talk man to man. FP apologized for the trouble he had caused Fred. It was a guilt that he wanted to get off his shoulders. Their conversation went on for longer than intended. It was when the boys came into the house that they realized how much time flew by.

"Dad?" Jughead walked into the kitchen. He wasn't expecting to see him here. "Everything alright?"

"Yes," FP stood up. He carried his plate over to the sink. "We were just talking about something important I wanted to talk to you about."

"That being?" Jughead questioned.

FP glanced over at Fred. "I've asked Fred, here-" He put a hand on his shoulder. "-to sponsor me. I'm going to start attending those AA meeting held in the church basement. It'll serve me well."

Jughead's face glow with happiness. "That's great, dad. You're really committing to this."

"I'm glad you're on board with this."

"Of course I am."

Archie nudged Jughead's side as they walked out of the room. "Are you going to tell him?"

"No," Jughead looked back at his father who was talking to Fred. "He'll be happier surprised."


Fred helped FP find out when the next AA meeting was. It was on the upcoming Thursday.

They rode together in FP's truck that night. He picked Fred up from his house on his way. He needed his best friend's support to get through this. He was expecting a lot of talking to people on his part and communicating his problems wasn't his specialty.

"Are you nervous?" Fred asked. He could see how uneasy he was as he drove.

"A bit," FP nodded. "But it's doable."

Fred looked out the window to see the bright light that was the Pops sign.  The diner was along the way to the church. "So...I've been meaning to ask, how are you holding up? Excluding the whole alcoholism ordeal."

"I'm doing fine these days. I feel like my eyes have been opened. I knew it was time to really try to turn my life around. Something just sparked in my head."

"I've never seen Jughead so happy. I saw that look in his eyes. Your son is satisfied with your new life choices."

FP saw the church in the distance. He pulled into the parking lot. "I know," FP smiled. "And hopefully that'll be Jellybean too one day." His smile turned into a frown.

"You miss her, don't you?"

"I do," FP sadly nodded. "She's my little girl, you know, even if she's not as little as she used to be."

"You'll see her again," Fred assured him. "Trust me with the path you're taking it would be wrong if you weren't rewarded with seeing her."

"I've tried to but I can't get through with Gladys. She's avoiding my calls so I can't check up on how my daughter is doing. I have a right to know, don't you think? I mean you update Mary on Archie, don't you? I know things were hazy after your divorce but I know you wouldn't deprive her of your son."

"I give her a call here and there. Archie contacts her more often himself."

"I'm just not happy with her anymore. To be honest, I don't know if I ever was. The only good thing that came from this marriage was the kids."

"What are you saying? You want a divorce?"

"I don't know," He sighed. "Should I bring it up to her? It's been on my mind for a long time. She did leave and take our daughter with her." He pressed his head against the steering wheel. "I don't know if I want to risk it though."

"Risk what?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows.

"Her claiming the kids. I know she would fight to take them from me. She easily could too."

"Don't think negatively," Fred pushed his door open. "No offense, but she isn't a saint either."

"Oh, I know." FP climbed out of the truck. "If I have to I'll bring up a lot. That's only if she plays dirty. She's got a lot against me that she could use."

"Let's not think about this right now. We're here to help you with bettering yourself. Let's focus on that."

The two men walked into the building. FP saw a bathroom down the hall and excused himself. Fred told him he would wait for him down at the meeting.

FP pushed the bathroom door open and accidentally hit a man with it. A small bag fell out of his pocket. FP glanced at it then back at him. He knew what it was. He apologized as the man reached down to pocket it again. He didn't say a word to FP. He just went around him and left.

FP went down to the meeting after his quick stop. He spotted the same man again across the room.

"They have awesome cookies here," Fred chewed on one. He offered him the other one in his hand. FP shook his head no.

FP looked around and saw a familiar face. He felt a spark of irritation in himself. She glanced over at him, making eye contact. He discreetly glared at her.

"I'm going to grab some water. How about you grab us some seats?" FP told Fred before walking over to the jug of water.

"Well, hello there, Jones." Penny casually walked up to him.

FP poured himself water as they spoke. "This is low, even for you. At a church? Really?" FP scornfully told her. "These people are trying to recover from addiction." He gulped down a sip of water.

"Including you," She smugly smirked.

"You better not ruin this for me." FP wasn't going to let her presence bother him. He stepped away to go join Fred.

"Welcome everyone. May we all take a seat?" The facilitator gathered everyone's attention. Penny sat across from him just to piss him off. FP ignored her stares.

"Did you grab another cookie?" FP saw Fred still munching on one.

"You didn't want one," Fred shrugged. FP chuckled and sat back in his chair.

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