55/ Retirement Party

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FP sat on the stairs with his kids while Alice took a picture. His cheeks hurt from smiling. "Al, I think we already got the perfect shot."

"One more. Just smile."

"That's all I've been doing."

"And there," She snapped a picture. "See that wasn't too bad."

"Daddy, my face hurts." Jellybean whined.

"I know, sweetheart. I know. We're still missing one with everyone in it though. Come sit down, Alice. Betty? Polly? Where are you girls?"

"We're right here," Betty came in holding a tripod for the camera. "Now we can all be in it with just a click of a button. Mom, the camera?"

Alice held the camera out for her. Betty placed it on the stand as Polly found a spot on the stairs. "Voilà," Betty had it set. She quickly sat down beside Polly. "Everyone say cheese."

"Not again," Jellybean said.

"Smile everyone," Alice smiled the widest as FP stared at her lovingly.

"Dad at the camera," Charles turned his head for him.

"Sorry," He laughed.

"Take two, smile." Betty took another picture.

"A funny one now?" Polly asked.

"Yes, make goofy faces kids."

Charles scrunched his face and kept his parents' heads apart. Jughead grabbed onto Jellybean and gave her a noogie. Polly squashed Betty's cheeks and she returned the favor.

Betty got up to check the pictures. She laughed at the one they just took. "I wanna see," Jellybean waved her hand for the camera. Betty turned it to show her. Jughead got a peek at it too.

"Big bro doing his job in that one," Jughead looked up behind him.

"That's no fair," FP reached for the camera. He pulled Alice close and kissed her in the picture he took. He took a couple of them together, some of them laughing and others of them smiling before turning the camera onto her. "Model, babe. Gorgeous. Smile big."

"You, handsome." She snatched the camera and turned it onto him. "Show the camera that devilish smile." Charles photobombed in front of FP. FP grabbed onto his shoulders and poked in above his head.

"The boys," Jughead tagged himself in. The three men smoldered for the camera.

"Hey don't forget me," Jellybean gaped. She moved into the middle of them.

"I thought you said your face hurt," FP tickled her sides.

"Not no more," Jellybean cheekily smiled for Alice.

"Beautiful," Alice was in love with the pictures.

"I think it's about that time we start heading out," Jughead looked down at his watch. "The party should be expecting my dad any minute now."

"We can be fashionably late. Besides the party won't start without me."

"He's right though. Off to the cars. Polly helped me with the seating arrangements."

"That's right," Polly stated. "That means those in the station wagon will be me, Betty, Jellybean, and mom. In Charles's car we will have him with Jughead and FP."

"Why am I not in the same car as FP?" Alice crossed her arms and gave the two kids in charge of this seating a famous unimpressed looks.

"Because that's the only way we'll get everyone to the Wyrm on time," Polly explained.

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