38/ The Mighty Two

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Fred came walking down the street to get to his house. He normally parked in the garage, but he was working on soundproofing it for his son so he could practice his music in peace.

He could see Archie on the porch playing the guitar. He stopped when he saw his father coming. He wanted to get an update on what was going on.

Fred also saw Alice getting out of her car. She waved hello and smiled. He waved back before making his way over to his son. "Anything new?"

"No," Fred shook his head.

Alice walked up to her front door and let herself in. Polly and Jason were in the living room talking to Cheryl. She greeted the Blossoms before going to the kitchen. They weren't here before she left this morning.

Alone in the kitchen sat Betty. "Why are you in here all by yourself?" Alice noticed the frown on her face. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. I'm just worried about Jughead." Betty said without thinking.

"Why? Did something happen?" Alice set her purse down on the counter.

"His-" Betty stopped herself. She could hear his voice in her head telling her not to tell her mother about it.

"His what?"

"He's just a little overwhelmed right now."

"Oh, sweetie, maybe getting his work published in the paper has him nervous. He has nothing to worry about. The jitters are normal."

"Yeah..." Betty went along with it. "I told him he just needs to take time off for himself."

"I totally agree. It's okay to if he feels like he needs it. I know I make time at the Farm for myself. It's quite refreshing."

"What's it like there? You and Polly glorify it so much."

"It's a very unique place," Alice worded carefully. She didn't want to lie to her daughter. "The Evernevers make it special."

"Huh, maybe one day I'll get the chance to check it out with you guys." Betty innocently thought.

"I don't think that'll be necessary." There was no way she wanted another daughter sucked into this cult. "To me you're a strong entity. You're much better than this place."

"Then why do you and Polly get to be there?"

"I just needed my space from your father. I will be back once I'm ready. I'm only there for your sister, who will hopefully come back home to us. The healing I experience there is just an add on."

"So you're going back today?" Betty already knew she was but she didn't know what else to say.

"Once your sister and Jason say their goodbyes to Cheryl and us to you," Alice hugged her youngest tightly. "You know I love you, Elizabeth."

"I love you too, mom. Polly too."

"I love my three babies so much."

"Do you ever think about my brother?"

"I do all the time. He's a beautiful boy."

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