20/ A Parting Kiss

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Alice carried the last of her boxes down the stairs. Betty sadly watching her stack them into the car. Alice turned to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll be back in no time, honey."

"I know," Betty sighed. "I'm just going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, Elizabeth." Alice didn't want to let go of her just yet. "You know you could always call me."

"Stick with Polly. I want to know you're both together."

"We will," Polly came down to the car. "Don't worry, Betty, The Farm is a safe place. They will help us heal. I know I feel welcomed there. Mom should too."

"Polly, why don't you stay here and spend a little more time with your sister before we go? I can go gather the last of my things from the Register and come back for you."

"That's fine with me," Polly nodded. "We should just be heading off by noon."

"I'll be right back." Alice hugged both of her girls before getting into the car.

Alice had a couple of things she wanted from her office before leaving with Polly. That included the framed picture of her with her daughters and her work journal.

She spent a good twenty minutes looking through her things when she heard the door. "We're closed," She looked to see who it was.

FP placed his helmet on the front desk. "Before you say anything, I'm not here to argue. I just wanted to say...goodbye."

"Oh...well that's very kind of you." Alice didn't look at him. She kept herself occupied with her things. "Is that all?"

"I guess so," FP sighed.

"How did you even know I was here?"

"I had a 50/50 chance of finding you here or at your house." FP shrugged. He took a couple slow steps in her direction. She was still shoving things into a box. "I also wanted to apologize for what happened at the store the other day. I'm sorry. You don't hate me, do you?"

"I don't hate you, FP."

"Did you mean what you said?" He quietly asked.

Alice stopped what she was doing to look at him. He was sheepishly staring down at the floor. "I meant what I said when I said I wanted some space, but maybe I exaggerated a tad bit."

FP reached into his pocket for a slip of paper and held it out for her to take.

"What's this?" She asked as she grabbed the folded piece of paper.

"Just for if you want to talk," He nervously explained. He had offered her his cellphone number. "It wouldn't hurt to know how you're doing."

"Thanks," Alice safely pocketed it. Their eyes then connected for what felt like a long time.

Jughead noticed his father's motorcycle parked in front of the building he was headed to. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

He wanted to talk to Alice before she left. He had knocked on her front door, but Betty had told her she made a stop at her office for a few things.

He turned his head to look into the Register. His eyes widened at the scene. His father had Alice hoisted up and against the wall. Her hands were holding onto his face as they shared quite the kiss. Jughead blinked to make sure what he was seeing was really happening. Once he finally registered it in his head he stepped away. He didn't want to get caught looking at them.


Jughead walked into the trailer and found his father sleeping on the couch. There was a half eaten sandwich on the coffee table next to him. He gently shook him.

"Dad," He whispered. "Dad, go to bed for your naps. You know you have a bad back."

"Jug?" FP sat up.

"I just stopped by to see how you were doing." Jughead took a seat across from him. "I spoke to Mrs. Cooper before she left earlier. Did you get the chance to say bye?" FP thought about what happened in her office. The sweet feeling of her lips still lingered on his. "I know you saw her." FP's head swerved to look at him shocked, completely throwing him off. "She's married, dad." Jughead confronted him on what he saw. "You're still technically married."


"What were you thinking?"

"That I was afraid to see her go." FP unwillingly confessed. He pushed himself up. "Look, your mom left years ago with your sister. I don't even know if they'll come back. I'm sorry but what was there is definitely gone by now. What truly breaks my heart is that I won't get the chance to see Jellybean grow up. She's ten now and I'd do anything to see her again."

"What does Mrs. Cooper have that mom doesn't?"

"I know she actually loved me. I don't even know if I can say the same for your mom." FP entered the kitchen for a glass of water. "It's just complicated, boy."

"Does she make you happy?" Jughead referred to Alice.

"Honestly? She drives me insane. Always has." FP stated so freely. A small smile tugged on his face thinking about it but it soon faded away. "But promise me, son, you won't repeat any of this to anyone."

"Why not?" Jughead questioned although he didn't intend to blab about it. "Oh," Jughead remembered why. He didn't want anything to happen to her because of him. Jughead nodded reassuringly. "I promise."

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