3/ FP's Son

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Alice stared at her computer screen and tried to think of something more to write. It was silent with Hal gone and although she liked it, it still felt kind of lonely to her.

Her head turned towards the door when she heard the door open. A man came in but it wasn't her husband. He took off his sunglasses and tucked them into his jacket.

"Hello?" He looked around for the owners of the establishment. Alice couldn't help but stare at him. "Are the Coopers here?"

"Hello?" Alice made her way over to greet the younger man. "Who are you?"

"You're Alice Cooper, correct?" He pulled out his badge. His fingers covered his last name as he held it up for a few seconds.

"How do you-"

"I just left the sheriff's station. I work with the FBI and was directed here. Is your husband here?"

"No, he just stepped out." Alice was beyond confused. "What are you-"

"I am aware that your daughter has gone to something known as the Farm. Sheriff Keller informed me about your missing persons case when we spoke."

"Is she okay? What do you know about the Farm?" Alice grew worried. Was Polly okay?

"I can't disclose much, but my team and I are investigating it. We have been tracking the Farm down for a couple of towns now. We almost had them two towns over. Sources lead us to believe they settled down in a new location just across the river, in Greendale."

Alice found it hard to listen to him when she was so fixated on his face. His facial structure was far too familiar to her. She just couldn't quite put her finger on it. She was still stuck in a state of shock. It was all passing by too fast.

He noticed the concentrated look on her face. He knew very well who she was. He wasn't sure if she knew who he was. "If your daughter contacts you," He reached into his pocket for his business card. "Please give me a call. It will be very helpful." He stretched his arm out to hand it to her. "And can you please do me a favor and not tell anyone about this little talk? It's important to keep this between us. Understood?" Alice grabbed the card and nodded. "Thank you. I will keep in contact." He cut their chat short. He didn't want to take too much of her time right now, especially knowing she might figure out who he was. He showed himself out. Alice looked down at the card he gave her. He read the name out loud to herself. "Charles Smith." She stared at it in disbelief. Was she really talking to who she thought she was or was it just a mere coincidence?


Jughead knocked on the door as he let himself in. He had gotten her email earlier. "Mrs. Cooper?" He called out for her. Alice had been busy thinking about her encounter with the FBI agent to have noticed him. "Mrs. Cooper?" He found her in the back.

"Oh, Jughead. Hello. Sorry, I was caught in a daydream."

"It's alright. I just stopped by to talk more about the internship. I hope it's a good time."

Hal came back to The Register not too long after his arrival. He tossed his hamburger wrapper into the trash can as he made his way in. He noticed the teenage boy talking to his wife. He looked at Alice and waited for her to look at him. Once they locked eyes he gestured for her to come to him.

"Did you hire him without consulting me?" He pulled Alice aside so they could talk. "I don't want that pro-Serpent here. Do you even know what people will say about us?"

"I don't care what others think, Hal. Good writing is good writing. He gets the position. End of story." Alice put her foot down. She was standing up for the young fellow. "Now if you excuse me, I'm showing Jughead around." She wanted him to feel more welcomed. "Don't be shy. Just ignore him. He can be such a grouch."

Jughead softly chuckled. "He doesn't seem to like me very much, does he?"

"He'll get over it. Just stick with me." Alice led him to the back. "I'll be setting you up with an area soon. For now, just excuse us for that."

"It's okay," Jughead nodded. He completely understood. "So...is there anything I can help with?"

"Today, I just want to get to know you. I want you to feel comfortable working here." Alice gestured for him to take a seat. "I'll even tell you about myself so it's not a one-way thing."

"I'm heading out," Hal said annoyed with Jughead's presence. Boy, would he be more irritated if he knew who he was.

"You're leaving?" Alice wasn't even surprised.

"I'm working from home," Hal grabbed his laptop and keys. "You have Jughead to keep you company."

"Fine by us. Go on," Alice waved him off. Hal rolled his eyes and stormed off.

"I'm sorry if I caused anything," Jughead apologized after Hal left.

"It's not you. He's always like this."

"Really? I wouldn't have known."

"Many wouldn't," Alice sighed. "Just forget about Hal. He's not your problem, dear."

"Have you both always been writing?" He attempted to change the subject.

"We actually worked at the Blue and Gold when we were your age. Time really flew by."

"That's pretty cool. You guys own the town's paper now. I hope to write a novel one day. My dad sure thinks I will. He even made me promise him to always write." Jughead spoke highly of his father. Something about that warmed her heart. "And I do live up to that promise. I write every day."

"That's wonderful. Your father sounds very supportive of your abilities."

"Yeah, he is. He's a complicated man though. That's for sure." He didn't want to get into details so he hoped she wouldn't ask more about that. "Who knows maybe I'll get lucky enough to get published after college." He whipped up a smile. "He once told me, Jughead you're going to be the first Jones to go to college. I gave you my name because I knew third time's the charm. You're going to be the successful FP Jones. Just you wait."

Alice froze at the mention of FP. "Wait, FP Jones is your father?"

Jughead sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah," He shyly admitted. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, I'm just...wow. You're nothing like him."

"You know my father?" Jughead already knew she did. He is the Serpent King. The very topic the news has focused on.

"Yeah, I do." Alice didn't know what to say.

"He's a good man. I promise." He proudly stated.

"I believe you," Alice inaudibly said.

"Maybe I should get going," Jughead broke the terribly awkward silence. "I have to go check on my dad anyway. He must be waiting for me. I'll be back tomorrow after school?"

"Yeah, that's okay with me." Alice agreed. "Betty will be joining us. I hope her company makes you feel more at home."

Jughead nodded and walked to the door. "I'll be back then. Bye, Mrs. Cooper."

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