21/ The Farm

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The Farm felt enclosed but was very big. Alice felt shivers run down her spine when she stepped out of the car. She knew what really was going on here.

"Jason should be out any minute now," Polly told her mother.

"This place is...spacious." Alice didn't know any other way to phrase it.

"It will feel like home." Polly spotted Jason approaching them. "Jason!" She quickly looked inside the car for the sonogram. "Look at the babies."

"Babies?" Jason asked in shock. He took a look at the sonogram.

"We're having twins thanks to you." Polly bantered. "This is their first picture."

"They're small," Jason smiled down at the photo. "Wow." He took a few seconds to let it sink in. He looked over at Alice and awkwardly greeted her. He wasn't sure if he was on her good side at the moment, considering he impregnated her daughter with not only one but two of her unborn grandchildren.

"I'll help you with your boxes." Jason carried them to a vacant room reserved for her.

Alice finished unpacking most of her things by the evening. She had spent the day talking to fellow farmies with Polly. She introduced her to a few people.

Alice placed the picture frame of her daughters on her nightstand so it would be close to her every night. Her room was small but at least a decent size. She just appreciated the privacy. She was going to need the most she could while she was there.

She reached into her purse for her phone and searched for Charles' number. He answered almost immediately. "Hello, how's it going? Anything stand out to you yet?"

"This place is weird but not crazy weird...not yet at least."

"It'll take a while."

"I spoke to a few farmies. They're very different you could say."

"Have any of them met the Evernevers?"

"That I know of, one. He's a young man. He spoke about getting enlightened by his words. Weight was lifted off of his shoulders."

"Any specifics?"

"He mentioned running away from home. There was trauma he's healing from. I don't know if he's chopped if that's what you're asking."

"Keep me updated on anything you learn."

"I will. Goodbye, dear." Alice smiled before she ended the call. They had to keep them short but informative.


Alice tossed her phone on the bed. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. She brought her fingers up to her lips. She could still feel the spark that enticed her. She lowered her hand down to her pocket where she took out the slip of paper he gave her. She stared down at the number, contemplating if to call him or not. She did not. She saved the number on her phone for another day. It felt too soon for her. She wasn't ready to talk to him.

Polly knocked on her door. "Mom, do you want to join us for dinner?"

"Sure, I'll be right out."

Alice put her hand on the doorknob. She took a quick look around before walking out.


FP sat upstairs in his office with his feet kicked up on his desk and his head tilted up. He stared up at the ceiling with a lot on his mind.

He heard a knock and cocked his head to look at the door. It creaked opened slowly.

"FP," He could hear Joaquin's voice.

"What's up, kid?" FP sat up straight.

"Can I talk to you?"

FP nodded. He gestured for him to take a seat. Joaquin sat across from him. He waited for the teenager to say something.

"What's the deal with Penny? Is she still dropping off bags?"

"Most likely," FP was straight forward with it. "I just don't know when."

"Do you ever just think about calling it quits?"

"I've tried. It's not that easy." FP shook his head. "So listen when I tell you to not get sucked down into these things. You'll just keep on falling."

"Does Jughead know it's that bad?"

"Not to the extremes but he knows it's rough. I don't want to worry him. He's got enough on his plate."

"What about your daughter? Heard from her yet?" Joaquin knew little about Jellybean. She was great friends with his little brother, Ricky, before she moved to Toledo with her mother.

"I've called her mother but she hasn't been picking up any of my calls recently. So I haven't been able to talk to my little girl."

"That sucks."

"Yeah," FP sighed. "I just make the best of it."

"Do you ever plan on going to see her for yourself?"

"I thought about making the drive but never thought it through. I know Jug would love to see his sister. Right now I just hope for the best."

"You should do it before Penny has you working like a dog. You never know."

"Believe me, I'm trying."

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