34/ Proud Father

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FP walked up the steps towards the door. He could hear Jellybean's excitement. "Daddy's home!" She yelled at the top of her lungs when she heard his truck. It made him chuckle. It was far too sweet.

FP opened the door and saw her standing in front of him. She was waiting for him. FP put his hands on his hips. "Hmm, is it bedtime already?" She was changed into her pajamas and ready for him.

"She's been waiting for you," Jughead came over with the box of stories he wrote. "She can't decide which one she wants you to read."

"Let's pick one together," She grabbed his hand and yanked him over to the couch. She shoved him down to sit. She joined his side. "Whatcha say, dad? Which is it for tonight?"

"I don't know," FP grabbed the first one he saw in the box. "How about this one?"


Jellybean listened to FP, content with everything. Jughead sat on the recliner. He watched FP do the voices she loved for the characters. Jellybean's giggles were battling with his own.

Gladys stood in the hallway listening to them all. Jughead turned to see her. She looked away. Jughead got up to go talk to her. FP and Jellybean were too invested with the story.

"You know he missed her," Jughead glanced over at them.

"Don't forget who he was," Gladys retaliated.

"Oh, I don't. Just like I won't forget who you were. You left. I can't forget that."

"It was the right thing to do."

"The right thing to do was be there for him," Jughead shook his head. "That," He pointed into the living room. "Would have happened sooner. You just gave up on him."

"I don't know what happened between you and your father but you can't erase the past."

"I didn't. I added onto his story. I was there to see his change. I didn't give up on him like you."

"Why are you defending him? He's just like his old man."

"I love my dad. Can you tell me you do? Do you even love him? Or love him enough to be there when he needs someone?"

"I'm not having this conversation right now," Gladys walked back into the bedroom. Jughead stayed in place but then decided he wasn't dropping this easily.

"Yes we are," Jughead followed her in. "I want to know. Do you even care about him? I know you don't love him but why don't you at least care about his well being?"

"Drop it, Jug."

"This man is the father to your children and you can't find the decency to make sure he's doing alright?"

"Don't come whining to me when you see him drop out of this perfect dad phase."

Jughead glared at her and walked out of the room. He walked back to the living room where he saw FP picking up Jellybean.

"Her excitement tired her out," FP whispered.

He walked past him and to the bedroom to lay her down. He placed her gently on the bed next to Gladys. He ignored her looks as he covered Jellybean with a blanket. They didn't say a word to each other. He went back out to find Jughead.

"We didn't finish the story. I think we'll just pick up where we left off tomorrow."

Jughead didn't say anything back. FP thought it was weird.

"Boy?" He nudged him.

"Dad, what was grandpa like?" He asked out of curiosity. What did his mother mean before?

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