32/ Back in Town

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Alice drove Polly and Jason back with her to Riverdale. She wanted to check up on Betty. Jason felt like checking up on his sister in person, so Polly told him he would join him then get dropped off at home.

"Mom, I'm feeling a little carsick." Polly rolled down her window to let air in.

"It's the pregnancy, sweetie. We're almost there. Do you think you can make it? If not, we can make a quick stop."

"No, it's okay. I think I can handle it."

Jason held her hand. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I'm sorry that you feel sick."

"It's okay. It will go away soon."

Alice watched as the scenery changed as they entered Riverdale. The border between Riverdale and Greendale was a big forest. It was beautiful to her but getting to town felt like home. It was where she grew up after all.

"Ms. Smith, you can make a right turn at the next stop sign. It will lead you straight to Thistlehouse."

Alice followed his instructions.

The house was gigantic. It resembled an old fashioned mansion. There must be at least a dozen rooms in that house. She stopped right in front of a gigantic black gate.

Jason stepped out of the car to get it opened. He entered a code and the doors drew open. He went back to the car to help Polly out. Alice gave Polly a hug as Jason grabbed their bag out of the trunk.

"If this family does anything weird, call me, I'll bring sage to spread around and get rid of their toxicity." Alice whispered in her ear. Polly laughed, "Do you ever have something nice to say about the Blossoms?"


"Ready," Jason went up to Polly.

"I'll see you later, mom. Don't tell Betty. I want to surprise her."

"Okay," Alice waved. "I'll see you at home soon."

"JJ! You're here!" Cheryl yelled from one of the windows. Alice watched the couple make their way to the house before she drove away. She decided to make a stop at the diner to grab Betty a milkshake. She knew it would put her in an even happier mood.

She parked and went up to the door. She pushed it open as she looked into her purse for her wallet.

She glanced to her side and saw Charles. He was sitting at a table with FP. Her eyes widened. Charles looked past FP to see Alice. Their best hope was for FP to not turn around.

"Hello, Alice. What can I get for you today?" Pop noticed her as he came out of the kitchen.

FP turned around upon hearing her name.

"Hi, Pop. A milkshake for Betty would do. Make it a vanilla, please."

"It'll be right out." Pop excused himself.

FP stood up from his chair. "Alice, hey, it's great to see you. I didn't know you were back in town." He walked up to her, a smile present on his face.

"I actually just arrived. I was on my way to the house but I wanted to get Betty a drink."

"Since you're here why not introduce you to the social worker I told you about. Amazing guy." FP gestured for her to follow him. "We were just talking about my kids. Alice, this is Charles. Charles this is Alice."

Charles stuck out his hand for her to shake. "Hello, it's nice to meet you, Alice."

"It's lovely to meet you too," Alice didn't like how they had to pretend to not know each other. It felt so wrong.

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