53/ To The Happy Family

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FP followed Alice to the kitchen. He leaned against the refrigerator and took a moment to appreciate her.

"What?" She turned to see him with a goofy smile.

"You're just really amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you." He pushed himself straight and walked over to her.

He took the pot out of her hands and placed it on the counter. He wrapped her up in his arms and rested his head directly on top of hers. Their height difference allowed it.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"Relax with me. We can start dinner in a bit."

"What are you suggesting?"

"To just take the time to enjoy this. Moments like these."

"I would like that very much."

"Good, tell me something."

"Like what?"

"Anything. Just talk to me. I missed listening to your voice." He swayed side to side with her. "What's something you want? Anything your heart desires?"

"I just want a life with you in it. Where we're happy and don't have to worry anymore. It would be us and the kids."

"And your grandkids."

"Definitely," Alice moved her head to look at him. FP removed his from above to peek down. His face lit up. "We're going to make that happen, okay?"

"I believe you, Al. All we're going to do from now on is make fun, happy memories. I want to pretend like none of the bad stuff is happening right now."

"Hey," Alice caressed his cheek. "There's nothing bad happening." She put on a smile. "We're only one big normal family from now on. We're all in this together."

"That's why I love you," FP pressed his forehead against hers. She was glowing with the same amount of happiness he had. He leaned down slightly to kiss her.

The kids had been watching quietly from afar. The parents haven't noticed them. Jellybean turned to Jughead. "Juggie, is daddy happy now?"

"Yeah, yeah he is." Jughead knelt down to her level. "I know it's not with mom, but are you gonna be okay with this? Dad really, really likes her. She's Charles's mom. And you know what? We get a brother and dad's happy."

"If dad's happy, we're happy." Jellybean smiled. She was slowly going to understand everything that was happening. Jughead ruffled her hair, "Right on."

"We already told our mom we're cool with it," Betty overheard what they were saying.

"I have been and I think she will be," Jughead spoke on their behalf. "All I ever wanted was a stable family. I think that starts with my dad. He's always been crazy for your mom."

"Well we wanted a loving family," Polly spoke up. "Things weren't that genuine with our dad in the picture. The way your dad loves our mom has made her really happy. When's she like this, things around here have gotten better. I mean just look at them."

Alice rinsed carrots in the sink then placed them on the cutting board. FP snuck up behind her and placed his hands on hers. He began to chop little bits of carrots for her. They laughed as they did it together.

"I can only imagine how lucky Charles is for having them for parents. He caused all this," Betty stated what they were thinking.


Charles arrived in the evening as expected. He was let in by one of the girls.

"Hey, you're right on time. Why don't you go take a seat?" Betty ushered him over.

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