42/ The Truth Comes Out

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Gladys refused to get in a car with Charles so she followed his car to the hospital. Jughead opted to go with him instead. His mother couldn't change his mind.

Jughead sulked in the passenger seat. Charles picked up on it with the tension emerging in the silence.

"I'm sorry. I know you're mad but-"

"You didn't tell me you were FBI! Of course I'm mad. That's not something small like eating the last pancake."

"I couldn't go around telling people I was FBI." Charles remained calm. "It accidentally slipped when I was at the Whyte Wyrm. That was before I had to confess that I was FP's son. Either that or get fed to that snake I saw in there."

Jughead laid his head back and let out a huge sigh. "I guess I can't be mad at you for that." He was right. Charles was doing his job. "But it doesn't mean I'm not bothered by the fact that I wasn't told." He decided to push his anger aside and take this time to have a civil conversation. He slightly changed the topic. "So what brought you here? Not that it's a bad thing. I just mean are you like working or are you just here for your parents?"

"It's a little of both. I can't get too specific."

"C'mon, you can trust me. Who knows maybe I could be some help."

"Jughead, this isn't up for debate."

"I already know you're FBI. Would it hurt you to say what you're up to?"

"It's pretty dark stuff, Jug."

"I can handle it. I'm a Jones. And technically so are you. Runs in the family."

Charles actually considered it for a second, contemplating on if to get help from him or not. "If I tell you, do you swear to secrecy? It's already bad enough my cover got blown. I could get in trouble for anything more than that."

"Yes, just tell me."

Charles let out a long breath. He couldn't believe that he was spilling this secret once again. "I'm investigating an organ harvesting cult who prays on innocent, vulnerable people. The Evernevers, who run this disgrace, are stationed very close to here. I knew my mother lived in Riverdale so when I talked to the sheriff and found out her daughter, my sister, had run away, I connected the dots. I built up the courage to talk to my parents. That was when I initially thought my father was Hal Cooper. The Coopers, of course, a family who runs The Register. You know that, of course. But anyway, I knew I would need help to finish this case, especially after my team and I have been following this cult for ages. That is how I wound up recruiting my mother for the job. Only she knows about the monstrosity of the Farm. Which means you can't tell a soul about this or my case will get demolished."

Jughead's jaw would break if it hung any lower. Charles dropped a lot of information he was not ready for on him. "You sent Alice into a cult? Dad would freak if he found out."

"Which is why I didn't tell him and neither will you. At least not until I know she is safe."

"You said you haven't heard from her. What if something happened to her? The cult could have stolen her organs for all we know."

"I don't even want to think about that. I'm already worried sick."

"There's got to be something we can do. It's a cult for crying out loud."

"I'm doing the best I can. I know she has to be close. She's only on the other side of the river somewhere."

"Okay so she's in Greendale. What now?"

"She's given me directions to where they are located before. I know where she is but I can't get in without raising suspicion. If I go there with my team then I lose this whole case. All this work would go to waste," Charles tightened his grip on the stirring wheel. "But I can't risk having her there anymore. She has to come home. Just like the rest of those innocent people trapped there."

"We'll figure something out. Let's take it one step at a time." Jughead looked out the window to see that they have arrived. "We can start with dad since we're here. Okay? Everything is going to be okay."

"Let's scratch one thing off the list." Charles nodded.

Gladys was directed into a room to meet with FP's doctor. Charles accompanied her much to her dismay, but he had to be there.

Jughead stayed in the lobby with Jellybean. She rested her head against his shoulder. "Jug, what's mom doing?"

"She's signing papers for the doctors."

"Is it about daddy?"

"Yeah, so the doctor can wake him up."

"Is he going to wake up right now?"

"I don't know how fast the effects will ware off," Jughead said honestly. "And mom is probably going to make us go home soon since we have school tomorrow morning."

"Then can we see him tomorrow after school?"

"You bet," He smiled. "He should be talking to us by then."

"Promise?" She stuck her pinky up.

Jughead pulled her into a hug. "He's going to be okay."

"Will he come home?"

"I think so, eventually. Maybe not right away but he will."

"Are they going to fight?"

"Who?" Jughead slowly released her.

"Mom and daddy," Jellybean clued him in. "Because of the divorce. I know daddy said it was to make everyone happy but no one is happy."

"Maybe not at first. You're right, but in the long haul it will. Mom and dad aren't happy together. They have to do this for us."

"Why? We're okay."

"Yes...but it's complicated. If they're not happy we might not be happy. It's just better this way."

"If it makes things better then maybe it's okay."

Charles walked out of a door in the hallway making his way over to them. Jughead looked up to see the smile on his face. "It's done. The papers are signed and the doc is getting straight to it."

"How long do you think it'll take?"

"Couple hours at least I say. It could be from the middle of the night to the middle of the day tomorrow. Your mother or I will get a call once he's ready for visitors."

Gladys waltzed into the room. "Mom, daddy is going to be okay." Jellybean beamed.

"He sure is," Gladys placed a hand on her hair. She gently stroked it. "Which means you have to go to bed so you're well rested for then."

"Okay, then let's go." She yanked on her hand. "I don't need a story tonight. I'm ready to just go to sleep."

"You coming, Jug?" His mother questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be right out."

Gladys walked Jellybean out to the car. Jughead turned to Charles. "Are you going to stick around?"

"I might for a few more minutes. I need to sort out stuff."

"Okay, you know where to reach us if anything new awaits us."

"I'll see you here tomorrow."

"Back at ya."

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