54/ Inseparable

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The next few days Alice and FP were inseparable. Whenever they weren't with the kids they were alone together.

Alice even went to FP's check up with him. She brought him back to her house soon after.

"Do you have your prescription here or at the trailer?" Alice asked as they stepped in.

"It's here somewhere. With spending the night so often now, I think a bunch of my stuff is scattered around," FP chuckled. "But it's most definitely here. I took a pill last night before dinner." FP shrugged his Serpent jacket off to hang it on the rack. He stared down at it in his hands. Alice noticed and held onto his arm. "Still feel like the right decision?"

"Yeah, it feels right. I don't need to be Serpent King to get to be a part of a family. I have my own that I get to come home to now."

"And you should always feel like you do," Alice pecked a kiss on his cheek. "That's why a farewell the party is going to be perfect. You're not losing them. They will always be family too."

"And you are going to be by my side where I can show you off," FP hung up the jacket then turned to her. He placed his hands on her hips. "Because you know what?"


"I'm officially a free man," FP pulled her closer. "I got the call from Sierra when you went to the bathroom."

"You knew the whole ride back? Why didn't you tell me?" She playfully smacked his shoulder. Her smile grew from ear to ear.

"I wanted to wait until we got home."

Alice danced her fingers from his shoulder to his neck. "The kids are all out with Charles, right?" She dug her fingers through the back of his hair.

"Yeah, he took them to lunch and was going to show them his apartment right after. Why?"

"I don't know. I was thinking we could...celebrate?"

FP caught on to what she was implying and whipped up a smirk. "How do you reckon we do that?"

"Maybe something a little like this?" Alice pulled his neck down for a kiss. He hungrily kissed her back. She shoved him back. He stood there with confusion written all over his face. Did he overstep?

He watched her kick her heels off and playfully toss them his way. He dodged the first one, but was able to catch the second one. She walked up one of the steps and turned back to him. "Should we take this upstairs?" She watched his face light up. He tossed the heel back. She ran up a couple of steps before FP caught up to her and spun her around to face him. He lifted her up. Her legs hooked onto him and her hands landed on his cheeks. Their lips were attached to each other once again. FP turned his back to push the bedroom door open. He kicked it shut as he walked her over to the bed. He laid her down and hovered over her, leaving a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck.

Simultaneously, Alice's hands worked on the buttons of his flannel. He lifted one arm at a time so he could get out of the long sleeves. He sat on his knees and yanked his undershirt off from the hem. He chucked it aside. Alice pulled him back down. She gave him another kiss then proceeded to get on top. He laid flat on the bed. She placed her hands on his chest. Her thumb ran across his tiny jellybean tattoo. She thought it was something sweet when she first saw it Her fingers also felt the scar running down his chest. Her smile flatlined. It didn't go unnoticed by FP.

FP propped himself up a little using his elbows. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. He wanted to be certain that she wanted this too. "This would make it the first time in years. I understand if this is too much too soon. It won't change the fact that I love you if we don't."

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