19/ A Favor

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Jughead walked into the trailer after excusing himself from Archie's house. He knew his father got his new set of pills today so he wanted to see how he was doing with that.

He didn't see him in the living room, where he would usually find him if he was home. He peeked into the bedroom to see his father sitting on the edge of the bed with his face buried into his hands.

"What did I do wrong all those years ago?" FP muttered to himself.

"Dad?" Jughead wasn't sure what was going on. He was starting to get worried. "Everything alright?" FP picked his head up. Jughead could see the distraught look on his face, eyes weary and drooping. Jughead's face softened. He's never seen him so vulnerable. The man was never one to show his emotions. If he were to Jughead knew he was most likely inconsolable. "What happened at the doctor's? I thought you said you were okay."

"Nothing, I am fine."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I'm perfectly fine," FP pushed himself off the bed and walked to the closet, ignoring the question.

"You're not fine." FP pulled his leather jacket out. He slipped his arms through the arm holes. "What are you doing? Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm going for a drive. I need to clear my head." FP stepped into his shoes. He walked out of the room.

"What aren't you telling me?" Jughead followed him out. FP poured himself a glass of water and popped a pill into his mouth. He picked his helmet up from the counter. "Are you lying to me about your health?"

"No," FP sunk the glass into the sink.

"Then why can't you tell me what's bothering you?" Jughead furrowed his eyebrows. What was his deal? FP watched as his son's eyes narrowed. Something clicked in his head. "Is this about her?" FP didn't answer the question. "Betty told me she was leaving for a while but that my internship would still be valid." Jughead took note of the silence and the way he was keeping himself from looking at him. "That's it, isn't it? Her leaving." FP gripped onto his helmet tighter. Jughead already knew he wasn't going to answer the question. He already knew the answer to it though. He knew he was right. "Go for your drive then. We both know it's about her."

FP sheepishly went for the door. He grabbed his motorcycle keys on the way out. Jughead stood at the door as he watched him drive away. He proceeded to close the door behind him after he was out of sight.

He walked down the road towards the Whyte Wyrm. He went inside and looked around. There were a couple of Serpents drinking. He was looking for Hog Eye though. Once he spotted the man behind the bar, where he usually was, he walked up to him and took a seat. Hog Eye looked up.

"Sorry, kid. No drinks for you. King's orders." He joked as he dried a few shot glasses in front of him.

"I don't need the drink," Jughead chuckled. "But I do need some information."


"My dad," Jughead said. "Well...not really. I want to know more about how he knows Alice Cooper. The Serpents seem to know her from more than just the paper."

"I don't know if I should be the one you talk to about this."

"Please? My dad won't tell me anything and I know she's special to him in some way. From my understanding they dated in the past."

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