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"Do you think I will find a hot girl to fall in love with and run away to Egypt?".

Mom narrows her eyes and says "That isn't funny,Zoe.You are here to focus on your studies.You aren't in high school anymore".

"Yes.Yes.College.Super important.Go to parties.Hook up with girls.Meet new people.Maybe do a little drugs".She jets her head to me and says "That is not what I had in mind when I convinced the board to let you attend"

Thera Hassan,loving mother,Former lawyer and now the Headmaster at Callister Academy.A lawyer to a Headmaster had to be one the most bazaar career changes I've seen.

Maybe she was having a mid-life crisis?

But nothing stops Thera Hassan from a bag and I can't hate on that.In fact that why I respect my mother so much.So here I was following my mother from Cairo,Egypt to London,England.

But part of me is happy I agreed to move with her.Cairo has a lot ..history that I honestly want to clear.For starters,it's where my father died.Well not my actual father.

He was my stepfather.My real father was a deadbeat who left me and my mom when I was 3.You see my mother is actually half-Egyptian/half-Australian while my real father was Egyptian.

So she moved to Egypt simply because she was married to my father.But he ended up being a piece of shit that left her for some white woman in Italy and they divorced a year after I was born.

And when I thought all hope was loss,Justin Amos came in the picture and it was the happiest I've seen my mother.Three years ago they had given birth to my baby brother,Nico and life was great.

So when he died a year ago from a heart attack,she felt as if she needed a clean slant.So she went job searching.And when she realized that she wanted to teach,she went back to school.

And when Callister former headmaster quit,she quickly took the position.Not only for herself but for me.Callister is a very elite boarding school in England.One of the best private colleges in London.

Based on my amazing grades I was accepted into Callister Pre-Engineering degree in hopes of becoming a civil engineer.

And now entering my freshman year of college,I feel as though I'm in for a rude awakening when dealing with rich people.

"So what is on the agenda?".

Mama leans back in her headmaster chair and smirks.

"I am holding a assembly to officially welcome me and you to Callister"."You think that will end well".

"When does it ever?"."Fair point.But just know that I have full faith in you".

She points her finger at me and shakes her head.

"Oh no.I know exactly what you are doing Zoe.You are going to this assembly and you will be by my side"."Alright.Alright.Alright.I will be at the assembly and I will be by your side".

"Now that is what I like to hear.You know this campus is pretty big.I got a good word in for you to have your private room just like we discussed.The least you can do is give Callister a try"."Yea you are right".

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