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"Fuck I don't want to go to this stupid assembly.Like why the fuck do we have to do this"Austin says walking into the auditorium.

"It will be fine as long as she doesn't get long winded"Jace says.

We nod in agreement and walk over to the middle section.Austin turns to the seats taken and glares at them.

"Get.The fuck up".

They all rush out of their seat and I sit down between him and Jace.As soon as we sit down, the lights cut low and we look around.

"The fuck?".

The door opens and a older women in her early 40s or late 30s walks in with a girl our age.I couldn't see very clear of their feature in the dark but I know the girls eyes were bright.Blue?Green?Hazel?They reach the stage where it shines bright and my eyes go wide.

"Fuck"I breath out quickly.

The girl was drop dead gorgeous.Long dark Brown hair,thick eyebrow,bright green eyes,and beautiful skin.
I was never good about my gaydar but there was one thing I knew for certain.This girl was tipping my gaydar off the chart.

I snap out of it as the girl sits down with the admins and the woman walk over to the mic.

She clears her throat and says "Good morning students of Callister".

She was a white woman with dark brown hair and dark green eyes.I wonder where the girl got her bright green eyes from.

She also had a thick Australian accent.

"My name is Thera Hassan.But from this moment and moving forward my name will be Headmaster Hassan.I called this meeting today to give you all some formalities about me.I feel as though you should know who will be leading you all this semester".

She then Goes on this long ass rant about what she can expect from us.Yep she was a hard ass.In fact this rant lasted a whole hour.The girl that went up there looked bored out of her mind.

"Now I hope you all enjoy your semester and head to dinner".

She moves away to the mic and walks over to the girl.They talk and the girl laughs before follow her down the stairs."Nows your chance"Jace whispers.I nod and stand up."Where are you going?"Austin asks.

I smirk and say "To get familiar with our new headmaster"."Oh god.Good luck with that.We will see you at the caf".

I nod my head and walk to the front.There was one girl talking to the Headmaster before she leaves.

"Excuse me".

Headmaster looks up and raises her eyebrow.The girl glares at me and Headmaster says "Yes?".

"My name is Banks Carrington".

Her eyes go wide and I mentally smirk.That's right.My mother is your boss and my father funds this whole school.

"Ms.Carrington.I see"."Yea so I just wanted to ask if you talked to the previous headmaster?".

"Yes I've read her notes"."So you must understand the relationship we had".

All of a sudden her eyes narrow and she clenched her jaw."Yes"."So I was just making sure that relationship stays with you".

"I see"."I'm glad you understand.It was nice meeting you".

I turn my body around and Headmaster says "Ms.Carrington?"."Yes headmaster?".

She looks at me seriously and says "You were bribing her correct?"."I don't know what you are talking about".

She smirks and says "Well if you were,I would say there is no need for your family's..money.I have no need for it.I have riches of my own".

The girl smirks at me and I clench my teeth.Okay.She thinks that all of this shit is funny.Interesting.

"So who is this.She holds a lot of resemblance to you..Headmaster"."This is my daughter.Zoe.She will be here for her junior year".

A girl in my grade.Great."Zoe..what a..beautiful name"."Thank you"the girl spits out.

She had a light Australian accent unlike her mother."Well Zoe.I think I will love to show you around.Give you a real glimpse into Callister Academy.Show you how things work around here".

The girls smirk falls and Headmaster narrows her eyes at me.I tilt my head and smile brightly.

"It was nice to meet you,Headmaster and Zoe.Though I would say it would've been easier if you took my offer"."And why is that?".

"Well you will be dealing with a lot of ..paperwork".Her eyes go wide as I wave my hand before walking away.

I walk into the cafeteria and drop my stuff down at the table.I sit down beside Athena and they look at us.

"So what is the headmaster like?"Jace asks."Hard ass is understatement".

"Wait really?".I growl and say "She's a fucking cunt".

"And the girl with her?"Jace asks."Her daughter.Even more of a cunt".

"Well..this makes things a lot harder".Austin leans back and says "Do you think we will have to cancel the Welcome bash?".

"What?Fuck no.That's a Callister tradition.There is no way we are cancel because of her.In fact.We are going to make it bigger"."Banks..I don't know.You put a target on your back with Headmaster.Don't you think she will be looking at you more closely".

"Or send her daughter to make sure you don't do anything stupid"."Let her daughter come.I can't wait to have fun with her.She thinks she's the shit.She's never met me".

"Oh god here we go again"Jace states."Oh shit look the football players are here,Cade".

Him and Austin leave as Athena leans in."Don't tell me you are into her"."Into is a bit of a stretch,A.I think will say that she sparks my interest".

"Well will you look at that"."This will not be good.The headmasters daughter,Banks?!?! She could out you if things go wrong".

My smile falls and I glare."If that bitch outs me,I will fucking ruin her life.I'll ruin her mothers career and ship her back to where she came.I'm not scared of her"."This isn't going to end well".

"You know I will start by inviting her to the bash"."Are you crazy!What if she tells?".

"She won't.I think I have a feeling about what she is like just by that first interaction.She wouldn't snitch".

It is true that I don't know much about Zoe Hassan but there is one thing I think I understand about her pretty clearly.She wasn't your normal teachers daughter.

I don't even think she really Cared about how things went here at Callister.But even then,I am going to show her how things work around here.Whether she likes it or not

"If you say so.I guess we still have a bash to plan"."Damn right we do".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now