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The next day

"So what are you doing to do about Zoe's situation?"Austin asks.

"Easy.She said I couldn't pay her tuition.She never said I could make someone else pay it for her"."What?Who are you..Oh Banks".

"Yea.Henry Carrington will be paying my girls tuition"."And what makes you think Dad would pay it?He isn't the most..accepting of your sexuality".

"Well that is where I throw in this".

I hand him my phone and his eyes go wide."Is that his banks clacocunt history.He's been stealing money and giving it to a offshore account?Holy shit ,Detective Banks in the case"."It's. A talent really.The point is that he's going to pay my baby's tuition.She never said someone I knew couldn't pay it".

"Well...No she didn't.I guess you are right about that"."Of course I'm right.Which is why I set up a meeting with him tomorrow".

I look at my watch and say "Until then,I'm going to spend time with my baby".Austin smirks and says "I hope it works out.Because you two are really good together".

"I know right?Thats why I'm really fighting for her to stay".

I stand up and wave bye to Austin before walking out of my dorm and over to Zoe's.I knock on the door and she opens it minutes later.

"Is that my sweatshirt?"."Yes and?".

I roll my eyes playfully as she lets me in.Boxes.I frown before followinto her to the couch.

"Are you hungry?I ordered us Chinese food?"."Yea that's fine,baby".

She nods her head and grabs the tv remote."Hmm you want to keep watch Housewives of Dubai?I paused it just for you"."Yea".

She smiles softly and sits down in my lap before turning to the channel.I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.I start trailing kisses down her neck and she groans.

"Quit it Banks"."What am I doing?".

"Making me really horny.So stop it"."If I'm not making you horny, I'm not doing a good job as a girlfriend".

I smirk at her as She rolls her eyes."You are supposed to be watching tv with me.Not turning me on"."Where's the fun in that?".

"That's the point".

I pout and turn back to the tv.I kisses her cheek and she groans."Baby".

"Yes beautiful"."Focus on the tv".

"Sorry.You're just so fucking beautiful".

Zoe groans and turns back to the tv."You aren't going to fall asleep on me again are you?"."It's 11pm,I probably am".

I roll my eyes as she chuckles."I don't know why you are mad.You like when I cuddle up to you"."I don't like it.I love it.But I don't like when you slob on me".

"Oops".She shrugs and says "Take it or leave it.You want me, you get all of me.Even my slobbing".

"Lucky me".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now