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I turn back to Austin as he groans.Cade's eyes narrow and he says "The..thing you told me about in high school..it happened to Banks?".

Austin nods slowly and tilts his head."If she found out that you know she will kill you"."She's already pissed I told our sister".

"Sister?"I ask.

He frowns and sits down."Me and Banks have a older sister named Stella.She's 24 years old and she lives in France"."So Banks doesn't have a good relationship with her?".

"Not at all.Simply because when we needed her she doesn't here"."Our mother died when Banks and me were sophomores in high school.It hit Our father really hard and Stella had plans to move away to France for some internship.Banks hated it and me too but I realized that our sister had a once and a lifetime opportunity.So she moved and our father took it even harder not having his favorite with him through his grief.We tried to be there for each other but-".

Austin pauses and takes a deep breathe."Banks..she was the twin of my mother.Same facial structure, same blonde hair, same bright blue eyes,and same thick British accent.My father skipped a few phases and went to the anger stage of grief.Everyday he would harass Banks when she came home from school.Simply because she looked just like Mom.And..when he got drunk and..touched her.Fuck that's when I couldn't take it anymore".

My eyes go wide and I say "Touched her.What the fuck do you
Mean by that?".

Austin rubs his eyes and looks down."He...-"."-Don't tell me he took her virginity"I snap.

Austin shakes his head and says "He used his fingers..but even that act of me beating him up so bad he ended up in the hospital.We couldn't report him,we weren't 18 yet.They would split us up and Banks didn't want that.So..so she let him".

His eyes start to water and he says "Everyday I saw my sisters heart grow cold.She stopped dating boys due to her hatred of them from our father.She stopped getting good grades.She stopped smiling.She stop hanging out with me.She just stopped caring.But Senior year is when I really realized that our father broke her.She started having sex with girls constantly.And I didn't care about Banks sexuality,I would love her whoever she liked.It's just..She used it as a way to cope.As a way to feel something".

He looks up and says "She never wanted to talk about it.And my father..well he was drunk so he has no idea that he did that.Banks is just pushing it down in order to forget it.And Stella now knowing..I just want Banks to heal from it".

He closes his eyes and says "Because my father..he broke my sister into a million pieces.She wasn't the same girl who would give me hugs everyone I came home from school.Or play video games even though she hates them to spend time with me.Or handmake cakes for our birthday.That sweet and loving sister is gone.My sister is the best thing that's ever happened to me.There aren't words to describe how much I love Banks.But she's broken.And I want to help her piece the pieces back up".

I sniffle and wipe my eyes as Austin looks at me."Thank you for tell me this..is this.I always wondered where Banks' hatred for men came from and now I get it and I understand.I'm going to go check on her".

Austin nods as I grab my stuff.


"icy Hot".

I turn around from my couch and she's her looking at me sadly.I clench my teeth and turn back to the tv.

"He told you"."Only because I asked".

"I don't care".

She shuts the door and walks over to me.I watch as she gets down in front of me and grabs my hand.

"Banks what happened to you-"."-Shut up".

"What?"."Nothing happened to me.I don't know or care what my brother told you.But it didn't happen".

"Banks baby you're denying it and-".

I push her hand off me and groan."I walked away because I didn't care.I don't want to talk about it.So fuck off".

Zoe's eyes flash with hurt and part of me feels bad for it.But the other part of me just doesn't care.


I ignore her and grab the remote.She snatched it out my hand and turns it off before tossing the remote across the room.

I turn back to her pissed and say "That was a bitch move"."I'm a bitch, get used to it".

She turns back to me pissed and I roll my eyes."God why the fuck do you care so much?Its not like it happened to you"."But it happened to you!"she snaps.

My eyes widen slightly and she closes her eyes."I..I know I can never feel what you felt.And I never want to.But..it fucking broke my heart to know that happened to you, baby.No one and I mean no one deserves that".

I feel my eyes start to water and I look away."No father should ever treat their daughter like that.And you should never feel as though your that insignificant to take the blame"."I was".

She looks at me sadly and I look away again.

"I was insignificant.I was the daughter who didn't know what to do with her life.Hell I still don't.But at least my mother had my back.I was her favorite.And she would do everything to protect me from reality.So when she died I didn't feel anything.I felt as though all of myself died with her.And on top of my fathers words I finally realized that I really was worthless in his eyes".

She cups my face and wipes my tears away."Fuck,baby".

She climbs in my lap and wraps her hands around the back of my neck.She hugs me tightly and says"You aren't worthless.Never think that. You mean everything to Austin.Your friends,Jace and Athena feel the same way.And I'm sure that your new stepsister is realizing how special you are".

I look up softly and ask "What about you?".

She laughs softly and kisses my forehead."Banks Carrington you mean fucking everything to me.There simply isn't a word that describes how much you mean to me".

She puts her forehead in mine and smiles."Don't ever forget that.I love you"."I love you too".

Her face turns serious and she leans back."Now my girlfriend is in need of a lazy day"."Lazy day?"I ask her confused.

"It's when we both out on our pajamas cuddle up in the bed and watch movies all night"."But our date night-".

"-Doesn't matter when I'm with you.Besides you need me and I would be a shitty girlfriend if I wasn't there for you, Icy Hot".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now