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The next day
"What is your problem?"."Huh?".

Athena looks at me and says "You have been pacing nonstop in my room for the past 10 minutes.Are you nervous about your date with Banks tonight in Paris?"."Bloody hell!What if  she doesn't like it?".

"Im sure Zoe will love anything you do for her, Banks"."But what if it isn't enough.What if she thinks it's not enough?".

Jace rolls her eyes while scrolling through her phone."After being around Zoe for 3 months I can tell you that she will love anything and everything you do for her"."But-".

"-But nothing.She will love it.She will be happy and you two will official.Official girlfriends after 3 months of dating"."You're right.You're right.I should go get Zoe".

"Yea you're making me uncomfortable with all the fucking pacing you're doing.Get out"."You two are fucking bitches".

"Love you too!".

I grunt and walk out of mtheir hotel room before walking over to Mine and Zoe's.I open the door to see Zoe putting things in her purse.

She looks up and pauses when she sees me.

"Fuck..you look..gorgeous Banks"."Ahh it's a lifestyle really".

She rolls her eyes and looks at me."You ready?"."Yep.Totally".

"You look nervous"."Why would I be nervous".

She looks at me satifised and walks over to me.She kisses my cheek and says "Exactly,why would you be nervous?I will love anything that you do".

My eyes darken slightly and I say "Anything"."Keep it Pg, Carrington".

"Super hard when my girlfriend looks like this".She looks over her shoulder and smiles at me."Come on.We don't want to be late for the train".


Thinking about it the train ride to Paris wasn't that bad.Though I did leave that Banks Hated trains.

Living here in London she has to take them all the time so it's just something she's grown to hate.I will keep that duly noted.

"Finally"she says grabbing my hands.

"So what's on the agenda today,Banksy"."Stop calling me that".

I smirk and say "Or what?","Dont get me started Zo.Let's see I have a romantic dinner planned for us at the top of the Effie's tower at 7.Before that I have tour around the city that we need to get to".

I follow her out of the train and she gets us a Uber."Let's see I promised my mom and Lay that I would take pictures of the city"."You get the best views throughout the tour and the Tower".

"Have you been to France before?"."I went once with my mother when I was little".

I give her a sideways glance as she looks out the window."She was here on business and had no choice but to bring me and Austin with her.We got to see the Eiffel but that was about it"."So this will be a tour for the both of us?".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now