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Banks had a game today and sadly I couldn't go to it.I had a bunch of homework to do and plus,my mother had us go to dinner with her.

It sucked but I knew we had one the game,Callister's football team was still undefeated.I still wanted to wait for her and celebrate the win with her so I managed to sneak in her room and wait.

But when she came in the door still wearing her cheerleadering uniform my mind with blank.She was wearing the skirt but it was the top that got me.

It was there summer uniform but banks had the top rolled up to show her abs.And the the cut in the top showed some of her tits.

"Fuck"I say breathing out.

Banks looks up and sets her bagdown in the side.I could tell just from her body language that she was pissed.

She looks at me confused and I say "Has anyone ever told you that you look Hot when you're mad.You look fucking delicious".

Her eyes wide before a devilish smirk appears on her face."Hmm?Delicious?So much you want to have a taste?".

"More like I want to sit you on this counter and have a dessert"."Tempting but I have to take a shower, Butterfly".

"I'll take one with you".She points to my pjs and says "You already took one".

"I'll take another".She laughs and says "Come on butterfly".

She grabs my hand and leads ne to the bathroom.I take this time to access her behind.

"Are you staring at my ass?"."Just enjoying the view".

Banks rolls her eyes as she walks in the bathroom.I turn the shower on and quickly undress.She watches me with those beautiful blue eyes.

She goes to take her skirt off and I grab her hand.I kiss it softly and say "Let me".

Her eyes darken in lust and she nods her head.I take my time taking off her skirt and underwear.I trail kisses up her leg and go back to her top.

She stares at me as I pull it over her head.Leaving only one thing left,her bra.I reach back and unclips her bra and take the straps her.

Her bra falls off and my mouth waters at the sight of her tits.I mean who are we kidding, Banks had a killer body.Hourglass shape body but her tits,they weren't small.

But they also weren't too big,they were perfect for me.

"Are you going to keep staring at my tits or are we going to take a shower?".

I glare up at her and pull her in the shower.We stand right under the water as Banks cups my face.

She crashes her lips on mine and I moan.My fucking baby,fuck I missed her.If it wasnt her touch it was her presences in general.

I was simply mesmerized by everything she fucking did.

"I need to shower first, Butterfly.Just give me a second".I pout and she pecks my lips.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now